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清晨的一声枪响,打破紫藤社区长期以来的安宁。Mary Alice Young(BrendaStrong饰)在家中自杀身亡。随着好友们发现了一封神秘信件,暗示着Mary Alice 的自杀可能并非看起来那么简单。
- come across 遇到
- That all changed last Thursday. 这一切都在上周四发生了变化
- I made breakfast for my family. 我为我的家人做了早餐。
- I performed my chores. 我做了家务
- I ran my errands. 我完成了跑腿的活。(去干洗店取衣服等)
- I spent the day like I spent every other day, quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection. 这一天和平常一样,我平静的打理着我的生活,直到完美。
- gleam 熠熠生辉
- She is startled. 她被吓到了。
- Her curiosity aroused. 她的好奇心被唤起了
- She tried to think of a reason for dropping in on me unannounced. 她努力想出一个不请自来的理由。
- stand motionless 一动不动地站着
- grief-stricken 悲痛欲绝
- It was her ability to look on the bright side. 她总能看到事物好的一面。
- I was laid to rest on Monday. 我的葬礼在周一举行。
- pay one's respect 表达哀思
- As people do in these situations, they brought food. 人们按照惯例,带来了食物。
- move up the corporate ladder 在职场打拼
- Her doctor announced she was pregnant. 医生宣布她怀孕了。
- It would be so much less stressful. 这样压力会小很多。
- But this was not the case. 但是事情不尽如人意。
- Her life is so hectic. 她的生活很忙碌。
- If any of you act up,.. 如果你们今天谁捣乱,...
- Are you willing to risk that? 你想冒险试试吗?
- Let's get this over with. 让我们把这件事做完。
- She lives down the block. 她住在街角。
- She has developed a taste for rich food. 她形成了吃名食物的品味。
- He proposed on their third date. 他在第三次约会时求婚了。
- Tears welled up in his eyes. 他的眼里含满了泪水。
- He closed a big deal. 他完成了一桩大生意。
- Just work it into the conversation. 只要在聊天中不经意提一下就好。
- I am telling you, it came up in the context of the conversation. 我告诉你,大家聊的就是这些。
- Can you please keep your voice down? 你能小点声吗?
- She lives next door. 她住在隔壁。
- She was known for her cooking. 她擅长烹饪。
- You shouldn't have gone to all this trouble. 你不必这么麻烦。
- There is no trouble at all. 一点也不麻烦。
- I know you are out of your mind with grief. 我知道你们悲痛万分。
- She lives across the street. 她住在街对面。
- Her husband always teased her about her macaroni. 她的丈夫总是取笑她做的通心粉。
- She rarely made it well. 她很少能做得好。
- They think that's the only way to solve the problems. 他们认为这是解决问题的唯一方法。
- That's a great example. 这是个很好的例子。
- What's going on? 发生了什么事?
- It doesn't mean anything. 这并不意味着什么。
- I had that woman over for brunch. 我请过那个女人来吃早午餐。
- I want it in the back of his mind that he has a loving wife at home. 我希望他明白, 家里有个很爱他的妻子。
- Tom is always on business. 汤姆总是出差。
- Is he gonna stop seeing that woman? 他还会和那个女人交往吗?
- He wants us to go over on Friday. 他希望我们周五过去。
- pack up her things 收拾她的东西
- Something must be going on. 一定有什么事情发生了。/事情没那么简单。
- I just refuse to believe that anybody can screw up Macaroni and cheese. 我只是不相信有人会做不好乳酪通心粉。
- I am very big with the under-five set. 五岁以下的孩子都知道我。
- What do you do? 你是做什么的?
- I've been looking all over for you. 我到处找你。
- Are you aware of what your sons are doing? 你知道你的儿子们在做什么吗?
- You three planned this? 你们三个计划好了的?
- Get over here. 过来。
- He had other things on his mind. 他心里有其他事情。
- I saw you both flirting. 我看到你们俩在调情。
- You are obviously into each other. 你们显然对对方有好感。
- You can ask him out. 你可以约他出来。
- I don't know if I am ready to start dating yet. 我不知道我是否已经准备好约会了。
- You need to get back out there. 你需要回到那(社交圈)。
- You are the first to stop by. 你是第一个来访的人。
- Hope I'm not interrupting. 希望我没有打扰到你们。
- I was sort of in the middle of something. 我正在忙。
- I don't want to hear your excuses, just take care of it. 我不想听你的借口,只要把它处理好。、
- But I'm learning to deal with it. 但我学着应对(接受)了。
- We'll be there tomorrow night. 我们明晚会。
- I got to get my work done. 我得完成我的工作。
- get home from work 下班回家
- You have been as fresh as paint for the last 6 months. 过去六个月,你一直都是一副容光焕发的样子。
- Seeing that you are the head of the household, I would really appreciate you saying something. 看在你是一家之主的份上,我真的希望你能说点什么。
- Pass the salt. 把盐递过来。
- You didn't call me back. 你没有给我回电话。
- Hong long has it been? 我们多久没见了?
- We all say if you hadn't quit, you'd be running the place by now. 我们都说,如果你没有辞职,你现在已经是老板了。
- How's domestic life? 家庭生活如何?
- dreaded 害怕的
- She responded as she always did. 她像往常一样回答。
- You know what I don't get? 你知道我不明白什么吗?
- Stop stalling and go. 不要再拖延了,走吧。
- Before Mike figures out he can do better. 在麦克有更好的选择之前。
- I should bring some over to Mike. 我应该给迈克带一些过来。
- You wanna come over now? You have company. 你想现在过来吗? 你还有伴呢?
- It's not enough to clog it. 这不足以堵塞它。
- I'm telling you, It's not working. 我说了,这没有用。
- Go ahead. 请便。
- I get it. 我明白。
- detergent commercial
- You are out of your mind. 你疯了吧。
- He recognized it instantly. 他立刻就认出了它。
- Daddy's home. 爸爸回来了。
- You sounded a little frazzled. 你听起来有点憔悴。
- It's been a little rough. 这段时间有点难熬。
- Wait up. 等一下。
- The doctor took me off the pills. 医生让我停药。
- What's the big deal? 没什么大不了。
- Let's risk it. 让我们赌一把。/ 让我们冒一下险吧。
- She came over. 她过来了。
- What's that supposed to mean? 这是什么意思?
- I'm sick of you being so damn perfect all the time. 我受不了你总是无时无刻的保持完美。
- These need water. 这些该浇水了。
- She sobbed quietly in the restroom for 5 minutes. 她在卫生间里静静地抽泣了5分钟。
- Was he here today? 他今天来了吗?
- I've had it. 我受够了。
- He's not doing his job. 他没干完他的活。
- Let's just get going. 快走吧。
- Take care of it. 实用很多场景,可以指照顾好某个物品。这里的it 指代“车”,所以是“把车停好”的意思。
- You see that man just walk away? 你看到刚刚走开那个男人了吗?
- Can you make sure he has a drink in his hand all night long? 你能保证今晚他手里一直有酒吗?
- How are you doing? 你近来可好?
- Not too well, I'm afraid. 恐怕不是太好。
- It's upset? 它(身体)不舒服吗?
- I need to be at my best. 我需要达到最佳状态。/ 我得赶紧好起来。
- He is spending the night tonight. 他今晚要在这里过夜。
- If you know what I mean. 你明白我的意思吧。
- This was just not her night. 她今晚注定倒霉。
- Susan, are you alright? You look awful. 苏珊,你还好吗? 你脸色不太好。
- She'll get through it. 她会挺过去的。
- It's a letter addressed to you. 是一封写给你的信。