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- I find that absolutely exhilarating. 我觉得这相当令人振奋。
- She waved it off like it was nothing. 她拜拜手表示不在意。
- But I saw her get that look in her eyes, that look of pity. 但我看出她眼里那一丝怜悯的神色。
- It's because they think you are so far gone, you've never come back. 因为他们觉得你一旦离开,就再也不会回来了。
- Every morality play has its cast of characters, there's always an innocent victim, a deceitful villain, a prosecutor who seeks the truth, a magistrate who dispenses justice and a lawyer who charges too much. 每部道德剧都有它的角色阵容,总会有一个无辜的受害者,一个欺诈的恶棍,一个寻求真相的检察官,一个分发正义的法官,以及一个收费不菲的律师。
- Mr Solis himself has refused to surrender his passport. 索利斯本人拒绝交出他的护照。
- It's been temporarily misplaced. 它只是一时找不到了。
- His mother is hospitalized in a coma as we speak. 与此同时,他的母亲正在医院并处于昏迷状态。
- Your client is denied bail and remanded. 您的当事人被拒绝保释,并被羁押。
- The boys are in rare form, and you're still finding your way. 孩子们很能折腾,而你还在逐渐适应。rare form: 罕见状态:指某人处于非常活跃、充满活力或表现出色的状态,通常是在社交场合。
- Are you storing up for winter? 你是囤东西准备过冬吗?
- My publisher's got me under the gun for something. 我的出版商正在催着我赶工做些事情。get sb under the gun: 指某人被迫承受极大的压力或处于困境中,通常是因为有紧迫的任务或责任需要完成。
- Were you with a woman? Did you tell her that you have a wife, or does that hinder your pickup style? All right. 你跟一个女人在一起吗?你告诉她你已经有妻子了吗,还是担心这会影响你的搭讪?hinder: 阻碍,妨碍
- Exploring options is the whole point of being separated. 尝试新的选择不正是分居的目的啊。
- The government's impounding it. Here's your receipt. Call that number if you have any questions. 政府已经扣押了它。这是你的收据。如果你有任何问题,请打这个电话号码。impound: 没收;拘留;
- Lynette, for the first time in years, you finally have some free time, and you're wasting it obsessing about the kids. Lynette, 这是多年来你第一次有了些许空闲时间,却浪费在过分关心孩子们身上。
- Is he back for good? Uh, the situation is fluid. 他是彻底回来了吗?嗯,情况还在变化之中。fluid: 易变的,不稳定的,变化的
- My oven's out. Come over and help me find my pilot light. 我的炉子坏了。过来帮我看看点火装置吧。pilot light: 点火火焰:用于点燃燃气灶具的小型永久火焰,也可以指显示开关或断路器位置、电机是否运转或电源是否开启的指示灯。
- His father sent him to a psycho ward.他的父亲把他送到了精神病院。psy cho ward: 精神病病房:一种专门用于收治精神病患者的医疗设施,通常设在医院内。
- Actually, they call it a rehabilitation center. 事实上,他们称之为康复中心。
- Please don't psychoanalyze me. 请不要对我进行心理分析。
- Even if I could find a way to deal with Bree's whole obsessive-compulsive thing, it's not the only problem in our marriage. 即使我能找到应对Bree的强迫症,这并不是我们婚姻中唯一的问题。obsessive-compulsive: 强迫症是一种心理障碍,通常表现为反复出现的强迫性思维(obsessions)和行为(compulsions)。这些思维和行为会导致个体感到焦虑和失控,通常需要一定的心理治疗或药物干预来缓解症状。
- Tanaka's still at large, and they're going to want Carlos to flip on him, so this is their way of playing hardball. 田中还在逍遥法外,他们会想让卡洛斯站出来供出他的消息,这是他们采取强硬手段的方式。
- It's all fair game if they even think they can trace it to ill-gotten gains. 只要他们觉得能追溯到不义之财,一切手段都可以使上。
- I have dug myself up from the dirt to afford these things, and no one is going to take them away from me. 我是靠着自己一步步奋斗才得到这些东西的,没人能把它们从我手中夺走。dug myself up from dirt: 这个表达形象地描述了一个人通过自己的努力和奋斗从困境或贫困中艰难地脱颖而出,取得了成功或财富。
- If you can scare up that passport, too, that would be good. 如果你也能这么上心设法找到那本护照,那就太好了。Scare up: 这个表达意味着设法找到或凑集某物,通常在情况紧急或资源有限时使用。它暗示着一定程度的努力或困难,以获取所需的东西。
- He's being prepped for surgery. 他正在准备接受手术。prepped: 是 "prepared" 的口语化缩写,意思是准备或备好。在医疗背景中,通常指的是为手术做好准备。
- Could I at least poke my head in? 我能看一眼吗?
- It dawned on Lynette...Lynette开始明白/意识到... dawned on: 表示某人开始明白或突然意识到某事。
- As Gabrielle considered the vast emptiness of her new surroundings, she was surprised to find there was only one thing she truly missed, her husband. 当加布丽尔环顾 空无一物的四周时 她惊奇地发现 她真正唯一思念的却是她的丈夫。
- We have the warrant to enter your house and repossess any goods we suspect may have been obtained illegally. 我们有搜索令进入你的房子,回收任何我们怀疑是非法获得的物品。repossess: 意为回收或夺回财产,通常指根据法律或合同的规定,将财产从某人手中取回。
- We're not into clutter. 我们不喜欢杂乱。
- I gave her the afternoon off. 我让她下午放假了。
- I didn't know how you hold up. 我不知道你是怎么撑过来的。hold up: 在这里表示忍受、应对、坚持,指的是应对压力、挑战或困境的能力。
- It's not all it's cracked up to be. 并不如传说中那么美好。cracked up to be: 这是一个习语表达,表示某事物或情况并不像人们传说或期望的那样好。它常用于表达对某事的失望或不如预期的感觉。
- She was such a disciplinarian. 她是一个严格又刻板的人。
- When my mom made parole, I was actually happy to see her. 当我妈妈获得假释时,我实际上很高兴见到她。made parole:意思是获得假释,通常是指从监狱中获释并被允许回到社会。
- I'm not thinking straight. 我脑子有点乱。
- These images just keep popping into my head. 这些画面不停地在我的脑海中闪现。
- Sure is nice to be back to normal. 回到正常生活真是太好了。
- You are pretty brazen for a woman who just admitted, however tacitly that she just slept with my husband. 就算你含蓄地承认自己与我的丈夫发生关系,作为一个女人你还挺厚颜无耻的。brazen:厚颜无耻的,用来形容某人的行为非常冒失或不知羞耻。however tacitly:意思是尽管含蓄地,强调了承认的方式可能并不直接或明确。
- You sly dog. 你这个狡猾的家伙。这个句子是一种口语化的表达方式,用来形容某人狡猾或机智,通常在一种友好或玩笑的情境中使用。
- I am gonna go out and find the most vindictive lawyer I can find and together we are going to eviscerate you. 我要去找一个最有报复心的律师,然后我们一起彻底摧毁你。
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看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第9集