看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第15集

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看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第15集


  • It's not unheard of.

"It's not unheard of" 是一个表达,意思是某件事并非前所未闻,或并非罕见。这个短语通常用来说明某种情况、行为或现象是有先例的,或在某些情况下是可以理解的。"It's not unheard of for companies to go through financial difficulties before becoming successful."

  • It was better to be safe than sorry.

"It was better to be safe than sorry." 是一个谚语,意思是采取预防措施或谨慎行事,比事后后悔要好。这个表达常用于建议人们在不确定或有风险的情况下小心行事,以避免潜在的负面后果。

"I decided to double-check the lock before leaving the house. It was better to be safe than sorry."(我决定在离开房子之前再检查一下锁。小心为上总比事后后悔好。)

  • white lies

"White lies" 是一个表达,意思是出于善意或为了避免伤害他人感情的小谎言。这些谎言通常无关紧要,也不会对他人造成重大影响,但它们可以帮助避免冲突、尴尬或伤害。

"Parents often tell white lies to their children, like saying the dentist appointment won't hurt at all."(父母经常对孩子撒一些善意的谎言,比如说牙医的预约一点都不会疼。)

  • I wouldn't put it past them

"I wouldn't put it past them" 是一个表达,意思是我不会排除他们会做某事的可能性,即使这件事听起来有些出人意料或不太可能。这个短语通常带有某种程度的怀疑或意外,但表示你认为他们有能力或倾向去做那件事。

"Considering how ambitious he is, I wouldn't put it past him to apply for the top position."(考虑到他有多么有野心,我不会排除他会申请最高职位的可能性。)

  • It's about as likely as...

"It's about as likely as..." 是一个表达,意思是某事的发生概率与某个非常不可能的事情相似。这个短语通常用于讽刺或幽默地表达某事几乎不可能发生。

"Winning the lottery is about as likely as getting struck by lightning."(中彩票的概率跟被雷劈中的概率差不多。)

  • a simple matter to clear up

"A simple matter to clear up" 是一个表达,意思是某个问题或误会很容易解决或澄清。这个短语通常用于描述不复杂、不费力且可以快速解决的事情。

"It was a simple matter to clear up the billing error with a quick phone call."(打个电话就很容易解决账单错误的问题。)

  • tie up the line

"Tie up the line" 是一个表达,意思是占用电话线路或通信渠道,使其他人无法使用。这个短语通常用于描述某人长时间占用电话或通信设备,导致其他人无法拨打或使用。

"Please don't tie up the line; I need to make an important call."(请不要占用电话线路,我需要打一个重要电话。)

  • You really gotta go

"You really gotta go" 是口语化的表达,意思是你真的需要走了,通常用来告诉某人他们必须离开或赶快走。

"It's getting late; you really gotta go if you want to catch the last train."(时间已经不早了,如果你想赶上最后一班火车,你真的得走了。)

  • V.P. gig

"V.P. gig" 指的是副总裁的职位或工作机会,通常用来描述一个人可以担任的副总裁级别的职务或工作角色。

"She just landed a new V.P. gig at a tech startup."(她刚刚在一家科技初创公司获得了一个副总裁的职位。)

  • go-to guy

"Go-to guy" 是一个俚语表达,通常用来指一个人在特定领域或情况下,是他人寻求帮助、解决问题或获取建议的首选人选。这个短语可以用于描述某人因为其专业知识、能力或可靠性而成为他人信赖的资源。

"Whenever we have technical issues, John is our go-to guy."(每当我们遇到技术问题时,约翰是我们首选求助的人。)

  • step up from time to time

"Step up from time to time" 是一个表达,意思是偶尔挺身而出或主动承担责任。这个短语通常用来描述某人在需要时主动采取行动或者在特定情况下增加努力或参与度。

"She's always willing to step up from time to time to lead the team when the manager is away."(经理不在时,她总是愿意偶尔挺身而出,领导团队。)

  • shrinking violate

"Shrinking violet" 是一个俚语表达,通常用来形容一个人性格内向、害羞、不善表达或不喜欢引人注目的人。这个短语有时也带有贬义,暗示某人过于胆小或缺乏自信。

"He used to be a shrinking violet in school, but now he's more outgoing."(他在学校里曾经是个胆小的人,但现在变得更加外向了。)

  • Are you avoiding me?

"Are you avoiding me?" 这句话的意思是在询问对方是否在避开或回避自己。通常用于表达对方可能避开见面或交流的疑虑或怀疑,可能是因为某种不愿意或者避免不愉快的情况。

"I've been trying to reach you all week. Are you avoiding me?"(我整个星期都在试图联系你。你是在故意回避我吗?)

  • So get this

"So get this" 是一个口语化的表达,通常用来引入一个故事、情况或观点,表示要告诉或解释一件事情给对方听。

"So get this, he showed up an hour late and acted like nothing happened."(听我说,他迟到了一个小时,还装作什么事都没发生。)

  • pass out flyers in the quad

"Pass out flyers in the quad" 意思是在校园中心广场或大学四方广场分发传单。这个短语通常用于描述在学校或大学校园内,通过分发传单来宣传活动、促销或传达信息的活动。

"We're going to pass out flyers in the quad to promote the upcoming event."(我们打算在校园中心广场分发传单,宣传即将举行的活动。)

  • we can always bail

We can always bail" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是我们可以随时退出或放弃。这个短语通常用来表示在面对困难、不愉快或不利情况时,有能力或选择力去避开或结束。

"If the party gets boring, we can always bail and go somewhere else."(如果派对变得无聊,我们随时可以离开去别的地方。)

  • pierced navel

"Pierced navel" 指的是打过耳孔的肚脐,通常指通过肚脐中央穿洞并戴上饰品的装饰性穿孔。这种身体装饰在一些文化中被视为时尚或个性化的表达方式。

  • Does this have to do with something

"Does this have to do with something" 是一个询问句,意思是询问某件事或情况是否与另一件事情相关联。这句话通常用来寻求两者之间的关联或相关性。

  • abstinence club

"Abstinence club" 是指一个俱乐部或组织,专门促进和鼓励成员远离某些行为,通常是指*禁欲,也可以包括对物质的禁忌或其他被视为有害或风险的行为。

"I joined the abstinence club to help promote healthier lifestyles among my classmates."(我加入了禁欲俱乐部,帮助在我的同学中推广更健康的生活方式。)

  • glory-hounding ass-kissing hustle

"Glory-hounding ass-kissing hustle" 是一个复合名词短语,意思是通过过分追求荣耀、拍马屁和努力工作来获得成功或认可,尤其是在工作或竞争环境中。

"He got the promotion by constantly engaging in glory-hounding ass-kissing hustle."(他通过不断追求荣耀、拍马屁和努力工作获得了晋升。)

  • unsung utility player

"Unsung utility player" 是一个术语,用来形容在团队或组织中发挥重要作用,但往往未被广泛注意或赞赏的人。这个短语通常用来描述那些默默贡献、在多个领域或角色中灵活运用自己技能的人。

"Behind every successful project, there's usually an unsung utility player who keeps everything running smoothly."(每个成功的项目背后,通常都有一位默默无闻的多面手,他确保一切运转顺利。)

  • relationship-wise

"Relationship-wise" 是一个用来描述某人或某物在关系方面的状态、情况或表现的短语。它通常用来讨论某人在感情关系或人际关系方面的情况或经验。

"Sarah is doing well career-wise, but relationship-wise, she's been struggling."(萨拉在职业生涯方面表现不错,但在感情方面她一直在挣扎。)

  • as easy as it'd be

"As easy as it'd be" 表示某事物在理想情况下预期的简单或容易程度。

"Finding a solution to this problem is as easy as it'd be if we had all the necessary information."(如果我们有所有必要的信息,解决这个问题就会像理想情况下那么容易。)

  • drop by unannounced

"Drop by unannounced" 意思是突然、未经预先通知地拜访某人或某地。这通常表示没有提前告知或安排,直接前往某处。

"I decided to drop by unannounced at my friend's house to surprise her."(我决定突然去朋友家串门,给她一个惊喜。)

  • a personal favor

"A personal favor" 是指请求别人帮忙或做某事,通常是基于私人关系或情感上的请求,而非出于正式的义务或责任。

"Hey, could I ask you a personal favor? Could you help me move this weekend?"(嘿,我可以拜托你个人帮个忙吗?这个周末你能帮我搬家吗?)

  • triple bypass

"Triple bypass" 是指一种心脏手术,通常用于治疗严重的冠状动脉疾病。这种手术涉及通过植入血管移植物来绕过或修复心脏血管中的堵塞部位,以恢复血液流向心脏的正常通路。

"After his heart attack, the doctors recommended a triple bypass surgery to improve blood flow to his heart."(在他心脏病发作后,医生建议进行三重冠状动脉搭桥手术,以改善血液流向他的心脏。)

  • flying colors

"Flying colors" 意指在考试、测试或挑战中取得极好的成绩或成功。这个短语通常用来形容某人轻松地通过了难度较高的考试或完成了一个困难的任务。

"She passed her exams with flying colors, scoring top marks in every subject."(她考试得了高分,每个科目都表现出色。)

  • It's not all coming up roses

"It's not all coming up roses" 意思是情况并不像表面看起来那么顺利或美好,事情并不完全如人所愿或如计划那样顺利。

"We thought the project would be a success, but it's not all coming up roses—there have been unexpected delays."

  • take the ball

"Take the ball" 是一个体育用语,也可以引申为在某个活动或计划中承担主导或主动的角色。

"After the team leader resigned, he was asked to take the ball and lead the project."(在团队领导辞职后,他被要求接手并领导这个项目。)

  • go after his promotion?

"Go after his promotion" 意思是积极争取或竞争某人的晋升机会,通常指有意向并努力争取某个职位或职业机会。

"She's determined to go after his promotion, so she's been networking and improving her skills."(她决心争取他的晋升机会,所以她一直在扩展人脉并提升自己的技能。)

  • in retrospect

"In retrospect" 意思是在事后回顾或反思时,对事情的看法或理解发生了变化或更加清晰。

"In retrospect, I should have taken the job offer when it was first presented." (事后回想,我应该在第一次提出时接受那份工作机会。)

  • Here's the deal

"Here's the deal" 意思是介绍或解释一个情况、计划或协议的开头,通常用来引出要讨论或商议的事项。

"Alright, here's the deal: You get the car cleaned, and I'll cook dinner tonight."(好的,这是协议:你去把车清洗了,今晚我来做晚饭。)

  • Are you going steady?

"Are you going steady?" 意思是在询问某人是否正在稳定地与某个特定的伴侣建立感情关系,通常指的是恋爱关系中的稳定期。

"They've been going steady for over a year now."(他们已经稳定地交往了一年多了。)

  • I'll be firm

"I'll be firm" 表示打算保持坚定或果断,通常用于表达对某个立场、决定或行为的决心。

"Don't worry, I'll be firm with the client about our pricing."(别担心,我会对客户坚定地说明我们的价格。)

  • better still

"Better still" 意思是提供一个比之前提到的建议或选择更好的替代方案。

"We could go to the beach this weekend, or better still, take a short trip to the mountains."(我们可以这个周末去海滩,或者更好的是去山里短途旅行。)

  • indulge your sweet tooth

"Indulge your sweet tooth" 意思是满足自己对甜食的喜好,享受甜食的乐趣。

"If you're looking to indulge your sweet tooth, try the new bakery down the street—they have amazing pastries."(如果你想满足自己的甜食爱好,试试街上的新面包店,他们的糕点非常棒。)

  • Nothing random about...

"Nothing random about..." 表示某事物不是偶然的或随意的,而是有原因或目的的。

"There's nothing random about his success; he worked very hard for it."(他的成功并非偶然;他为此付出了很多努力。)

  • The cops are all over him

"The cops are all over him" 意思是警察正密切关注某人,可能是在调查或监视他,通常因为他涉嫌某种犯罪或不法行为。

"They found evidence linking him to the crime, and now the cops are all over him."(他们发现了将他与犯罪联系起来的证据,现在警察正密切关注他。)

  • set me up

"Set me up" 有几种含义,具体取决于上下文,通常表示安排某人进入某种情况或提供某种帮助。

  1. 安排约会: "Can you set me up with your friend? I heard she's single." (你能帮我介绍你那个朋友吗?我听说她单身。)
  2. 提供设备或工具: "Can you set me up with a computer in the conference room?" (你能帮我在会议室里装一台电脑吗?)
  3. 安排某种情况或陷阱: "I can't believe they set me up to take the blame for the mistake." (我不敢相信他们陷害我,让我为这个错误负责。)
  4. 帮助某人开始某项活动: "Can you set me up with an account so I can start using the software?" (你能帮我设置一个账户吗,这样我就可以开始使用这个软件了。)
  • I won't be much good to you

"I won't be much good to you" 意思是我将无法对你提供什么帮助或用处,通常表示在某种情况下自己可能无法发挥作用或贡献。

"Without the right tools, I won't be much good to you in fixing the car."(没有合适的工具,我在修车上帮不了你什么忙。)

  • the security of knowing

"The security of knowing" 意思是因为了解或知道某事而感到的安心或安全感。

"She enjoys the security of knowing she has a stable job and income."

  • save your ass

"Save your ass" 是口语表达,意思是采取行动或做出决定来避免自己陷入困境或遭受损失,通常是为了自我保护或避免后果严重的情况发生。

"Sometimes you have to act quickly to save your own ass in difficult situations."(在困难的情况下,有时候你必须迅速行动来保护自己。)

  • blackmail me into doing sth

"Blackmail me into doing something" 意思是使用勒索或威胁手段迫使某人做某事,通常是为了达到某种目的或获取利益。

"I won't let anyone blackmail me into doing something unethical."(我不会让任何人用勒索手段逼我做一些不道德的事情。)

  • he'll get violent

"He'll get violent" 表示他会变得暴力,通常指某人可能会在情绪激动或受挑衅时采取暴力行为。

"If you provoke him, he'll get violent."(如果你惹他生气,他会变得暴力。)

  • pop in

"Pop in" 是口语表达,意思是短暂地或突然地访问或进入某个地方,通常是不经常或临时的行动。

"She popped in at the office to drop off some documents."(她顺路到办公室送文件。)

  • Hold it over

"Hold it over" 是一个口语表达,延迟处理或推迟决定: 意思是推迟或暂时不处理某事,通常是等待更好的时机或更多信息。

"Let's hold it over until next week before making a decision." (我们等到下周再决定吧。)

  • that's the trade-off

"That's the trade-off" 意思是这就是权衡取舍或权衡利弊的结果,指在做出决定或选择时不可避免地需要放弃某些东西以换取其他的利益或结果。

"Working from home gives me more flexibility, but less interaction with colleagues—that's the trade-off."(在家工作让我更加灵活,但与同事互动较少,这就是权衡取舍。)

  • act on this feelings

"Act on these feelings" 意思是采取行动来表达或实现自己的感情或情感,通常指在面对某种情感时不仅停留在感受上,而是采取积极的步骤或决定。

"She encouraged him to act on his feelings and tell his family how much he appreciated them."(她鼓励他表达自己的感情,告诉家人他有多么感激他们。)

  • mess around

"Mess around" 是一个口语表达,可以有几种含义,具体取决于上下文:

  1. 玩耍,闲逛:通常指不认真地或轻松地玩耍或闲逛。"They spent the afternoon messing around in the park." (他们整个下午在公园里闲逛玩耍。)
  2. 胡闹,调皮捣蛋:指开玩笑或做一些有趣但不严肃的事情 "Stop messing around and focus on your homework." (别再胡闹了,专心做作业。)
  3. 背叛,不忠:在某些情境下,可以表示欺骗或背叛某人的信任。"I heard he was messing around with his colleague behind his girlfriend's back." (听说他背着女朋友和同事搞暧昧。)
  • test drive 

"Test drive" 是指在购买前先试驾汽车或其他交通工具,以便了解其性能和舒适度。这也可以引申为在购买前尝试或测试某种产品或服务的过程。

"Before committing to the subscription, I want to test drive the software to see if it meets our needs."(在决定订阅之前,我想试用一下这个软件,看它是否符合我们的需求。)

  • I've just been kidding myself

"I've just been kidding myself" 意思是我之前一直在自欺欺人,即意识到之前的想法或信念是错误的或不切实际的。

"I thought I could finish this project in a week, but I've just been kidding myself."(我以为我能在一周内完成这个项目,但我其实一直在自欺欺人。)

  • in denial of sth

"In denial of something" 意味着拒绝或否认某事的存在或真实性,通常是因为无法接受或承认某个事实或情况。

"They seem to be in denial of the financial troubles their business is facing."(他们似乎在否认他们的企业面临的财务困境。)

  • just so you know

"Just so you know" 是用来引入或提醒某人关于某个信息或事实,通常用于确保对方了解或明白某件事情。

"Just so you know, the meeting has been rescheduled to tomorrow."(提醒一下,会议已经改到明天了。)

  • How did that come about?

"How did that come about?" 这个问题意思是询问某件事情是如何发生或产生的,通常是对某个情况或事件感到惊讶或好奇,想要了解其起因或原因。

"I heard you got promoted. How did that come about?" 我听说你升职了。这是怎么回事?”

  • blow out my hair

"Blow out my hair" 指的是使用吹风机将头发吹干并造型,通常是为了使头发看起来更加蓬松、光滑或有光泽。

"I need to blow out my hair before the party tonight."(我需要在今晚的派对前吹干并造型我的头发。)

  • alert the media

"Alert the media" 是一个常用的表达,意思是通知或警告媒体注意某个事件或情况,通常是因为这个事件具有重要性、新闻价值或社会影响。

"Alert the media" 是一个用来夸张地表示某件事情非常重要或引人注意的表达方式,通常用于开玩笑或夸张语境中。

  • take it easy

"Take it easy" 是一个常见的口语表达,意思是放松、不要着急或不要太紧张,通常用来安慰或劝告别人保持镇定和放松。

"Don't worry too much about the exam. Just take it easy and do your best."(不要太担心考试。放松些,尽力就好。)

  • main party animal

"Main party animal" 是一个口语表达,通常用来形容在社交场合或聚会中特别活跃和喜欢狂欢的人。

"Tom is the main party animal in our group. He always knows where the best parties are."(汤姆是我们团队中的主要派对达人。他总是知道哪里有最棒的派对。)

  • revel in it

"Revel in it" 是一个口语表达,意思是沉浸在某种感觉或经历中,特别是指因为愉快或令人满足而感到特别享受。

"She won the competition and was reveling in her victory."(她赢得了比赛,正陶醉在胜利的喜悦中。)

  • P.T.A meeting

"P.T.A meeting" 指的是家长教师会议(Parent-Teacher Association meeting),这是学校组织的一种会议形式,旨在促进家长、教师和学校之间的沟通和合作。

"I need to attend the P.T.A meeting tomorrow to discuss upcoming school events."(我明天需要参加家长教师会议,讨论即将举行的学校活动。)

  • one of these days

"One of these days" 是一个常见的口语表达,意思是在将来的某一天,通常用来表示某件事情可能会在未来某个时候发生或实现。

"One of these days, I'm going to travel around the world."(有一天,我会环游世界。)

  • work out that way

"Work out that way" 意思是发展或进展成那种情况或方式,通常用来讨论计划、预期或希望的结果是否如预期或计划的那样进行。

"Things didn't work out that way, and we had to come up with a different solution."(事情没有按预期进行,我们不得不想出另一个解决方案。)

  • Work your way into

"Work your way into" 是一个表达,意思是通过努力或逐步进展逐渐获得某种位置、地位或关系。

"She worked her way into their circle of friends by joining their book club."(她通过加入他们的读书俱乐部逐渐融入了他们的朋友圈。)

  • It's pretty dead in there

"It's pretty dead in there" 这个表达意思是那里相当冷清或无聊,通常指某个地方或场所没有太多活动或人群,显得很无生气。

"The store is usually busy, but today it's pretty dead."(这家店通常很忙,但今天感觉很冷清。)

  • choke the living daylights out of you

"Choke the living daylights out of you" 是一个用来强调愤怒或威胁的口语表达,意思是非常愤怒地勒死或掐死某人。这个短语通常用于夸张或情感强烈的语境中。

"If he ever insults my family again, I'll choke the living daylights out of him."(如果他再次侮辱我的家人,我会愤怒到把他掐死。)

  • justice department

"Justice Department" 指的是司法部门,特指负责执法和司法管理的政府部门或机构。

  • face the music

"Face the music" 是一个习语,意思是接受批评、处罚或不愉快的后果,尤其是由于自己的行为或决定而导致的。

"The CEO made a controversial decision, and now he has to face the music with the shareholders."(公司CEO做了一个有争议的决定,现在他必须向股东们承担责任。)

  • a state of mind

"A state of mind" 意指一种心理状态或思维模式,通常用来描述个人的情绪、态度或心理状态。

"Happiness is a state of mind; it doesn't always depend on external circumstances."(幸福是一种心态;它并不总是取决于外部环境。)

  • back on our feet

"Back on our feet" 意思是恢复正常运转或重新站稳脚跟,特别是在经历困难或挫折之后重新恢复活力或成功。

"After the financial crisis, it took us a few years, but we're finally back on our feet."(经过金融危机,我们花了几年时间,但最终我们重新站稳了脚跟。)

  • lay out money

"Lay out money" 意思是花费或支出金钱,通常用于描述支付或投资某种费用或成本。

"They had to lay out a lot of money for the renovations."(他们不得不为装修花费了很多钱。)



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看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第14集



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