看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第16集

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看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第16集



  • The tables were turned

"The tables were turned" 是一个习语,意思是情况发生了逆转,通常指原本处于不利地位的一方变得占优势,而原本占优势的一方变得处于不利地位。

"She used to be his assistant, but now the tables have turned, and he works for her."

  • hook your up with sth

"Hook you up with something" 是一个口语表达,意思是帮助你获得某物或某种资源,通常是通过提供连接或介绍。

"She's looking for a good mechanic. Can you hook her up with someone reliable?"(她在找一个好的修车师傅。你能帮她介绍一个可靠的人吗?)

  • once in a great while

"Once in a great while" 是一个表达,意思是非常罕见或偶尔发生,类似于中文的“千载难逢”或“偶尔”。

"We only get a chance to see each other once in a great while because we live in different countries."(我们因为住在不同的国家,所以很少有机会见面。)

  • drown out

"Drown out" 是一个短语动词,意思是用更大的声音掩盖或盖过其他声音,使其难以听见。

"The sound of the traffic outside drowned out our conversation."(外面的交通噪音淹没了我们的谈话。

  • I'd have killed to see that

"I'd have killed to see that" 是一个夸张的表达方式,意思是非常希望看到某件事或体验某种情况,形容强烈的渴望或兴趣

"You went to the premiere of the new movie? I'd have killed to see that!" (你去了那部新电影的首映式?我真希望能看到那场首映!)

  • be subjected to ridicule

"Be subjected to ridicule" 是一个表达,意思是遭受到嘲笑或讥讽,通常是因为某人的行为、外表或言论。

"After making a mistake during the presentation, he was subjected to ridicule by his colleagues."(在演讲中出错后,他遭到了同事们的嘲笑。)

  • the suspense is killing us

"The suspense is killing us" 是一个习语,意思是悬念太大,令人焦虑或难以忍受,通常用来形容因为等待某个结果或解决某个情况而感到焦急和不安。

"We've been waiting all day for the test results. The suspense is killing us!"(我们整天都在等待测试结果。悬念太大,我们都快受不了了!)

  • outtake pipe

"Outtake pipe" 通常指的是排气管或排放管,特别是在引擎或机械设备中,用于排出废气或排放物质的管道。

  • tear it out

"Tear it out" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是彻底移除或拆除某物,通常用于指拆除建筑物、设备或系统的过程。

"They decided to tear out the old kitchen and install a completely new one."(他们决定拆除旧厨房,并安装一个全新的厨房。)

  • I'll do the job for you at cost

"I'll do the job for you at cost" 意思是我会以成本价格为你完成这项工作,即只收取成本而不赚取利润。

"Since you're a friend, I'll repaint your house at cost."(因为你是朋友,我会以成本价重新给你的房子涂漆。)

  • have much to do with me

"Have much to do with me" 是一个表达,通常用来询问或描述某人或某物与自己的关系或互动程度。

"I don't think that has much to do with me."(我觉得那跟我没多大关系。)

  • full fling

"Full fling" 这个短语通常指的是尽情享乐或全力投入某件事情,特别是指在娱乐或社交活动中全情投入或放纵自己的状态。

"They went on a full fling during their vacation in Europe."(他们在欧洲度假期间尽情享乐。)

  • These things always do

"These things always do" 是一个口语化的表达,通常用来表示某些事情通常会如此,指一种常见的趋势或结果。

"When you rush, these things always do end up going wrong."(当你匆忙时,这些事情通常会出错。)

  • lighten up

"Lighten up" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是放松或放轻松,通常是在建议某人不要那么严肃或紧张,而是放松心情或态度。

"Hey, it's just a joke. Lighten up!"(嘿,这只是个玩笑。放轻松点!)

  • steer clear

"steer clear" 是一个习语,意思是避开、远离某人或某事物,通常是因为它可能会带来危险、困扰或问题。

"She advised him to steer clear of that company due to its reputation for layoffs."

  • That being said

"That being said" 是一个连接词短语,用于引出一个对前面说过的话进行修正、总结或补充的观点或说明。

"He hasn't been the most reliable, but he did finish the project on time. That being said, we should still double-check his work." 他并不是最可靠的,但他确实按时完成了项目。话虽如此,我们仍然应该再次检查他的工作。)

  • cut a deal with prosecution

"Cut a deal with prosecution" 是一个法律术语,意思是与检察官达成协议,通常指被告方同意接受某种条件以换取较轻的刑罚或罪名减轻。

"He decided to cut a deal with the prosecution and plead guilty to a lesser charge."(他决定与检察官达成协议,认罪并接受较轻的指控。)

  • high-profile Johns

"High-profile Johns" 指的是那些公众知名度较高的人,通常指他们因为与ji女有关的活动而引起公众关注或丑闻。

"The scandal involved several high-profile Johns from the entertainment industry."(这起丑闻涉及了几位娱乐界的知名人士。)

  • DA's looking for a second term

"DA's looking for a second term" 意指检察官正在寻求连任第二个任期,通常指的是地方检察官(District Attorney)在完成第一任期后寻求再次竞选。"DA" 是指地方检察官(District Attorney),负责在地方一级处理和起诉刑事案件的法律官员。

"She's gained a lot of support in the community as the DA looks for a second term."(作为检察官寻求第二个任期,她在社区中获得了很多支持。)

  • turn over

"Turn over" 移交: "The police were instructed to turn over the evidence to the court." (警方被指示将证据移交给法院。)

  • trade in his car for something better

"Trade in his car for something better" 意思是把他的车交易掉,以换取一辆更好的车或其他更好的东西。

"She traded in her SUV for a hybrid to save on fuel costs."(她把她的SUV换成了混合动力车,以节省燃料成本。

  • petting zoo

"Petting zoo" 是一个指供给公众可以接触和喂食动物的场所,通常是小动物如山羊、兔子或小鸡等。这种设施让人们能够与动物近距离互动,通常是为了教育或娱乐目的。

  • I know for a fact

"I know for a fact" 是一个表达,用来强调某人对某件事情确信无疑,通常表示这个观点或说法是基于事实和真实的情况。

"He said he wasn't involved, but I know for a fact that he was at the meeting."(他说他没有参与,但我确实知道他在会议上出现了。)

  • That's a load off my mind

"That's a load off my mind" 是一个表达,意思是某件事情已经解决或不再担心,从而减轻了内心的负担或压力。

"Getting the report submitted on time was a load off my mind."(及时提交报告让我感到很放心。)

  • They don't keep score at pee wee league games

"They don't keep score at pee wee league games" 意思是在小儿童联赛比赛中通常不计分数,强调比赛的主要目的是为了儿童的参与、学习和享受运动,而不是竞争胜负。

"Pee wee" 是一个美国俚语,用来形容非常小或者非常年轻的人,通常用来形容小儿童或者孩子。在体育领域中,"pee wee" 通常用来指小儿童级别的体育比赛或联赛,如小儿童足球联赛或小儿童棒球比赛。

"At the pee wee baseball games, it's all about having fun and learning the basics."

  • She went all out

"She went all out" 是一个表达,意思是某人付出了全部努力或尽最大可能去做某事。

"He went all out to win the race, training rigorously for months."(他全力以赴地参加比赛,连续几个月进行严格的训练。)

  • You've gotta be kidding me

"You've gotta be kidding me" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是你一定在开玩笑吧,通常用于表示惊讶、不信或不满的情绪。

"They expect us to finish this project by tomorrow? You've gotta be kidding me!"(他们希望我们明天之前完成这个项目?你一定在开玩笑!)

  • I thought as much.

"I thought as much" 是一个表达,意思是“我早就这么想了”或者“果然不出所料”,用来表示某件事情的结果或某人的行为正如自己所预料的那样。

"The project got delayed again? I thought as much."(项目又被推迟了? 果然不出所料。)

  • I don't think it's asking that much

"I don't think it's asking that much" 是一个表达,意思是“我认为这不算过分”或者“我不觉得这要求过高”,通常用来表示某个要求是合理的或不过分的。

"All I'm asking is for you to finish your homework before playing games. I don't think it's asking that much."(我只是要求你在玩游戏前完成作业。我不觉得这要求过高。)

  • display of friendship

"Display of friendship" 是一个表达,意思是展示友谊的行为或举动,通常指某人通过行动或言语表达对朋友的支持、关心和情感。

"She brought him homemade soup when he was sick, a touching display of friendship."(她在他生病时送来了自制的汤,这是友谊的感人体现。)

  • You do get credit for one thing

"You do get credit for one thing" 是一个表达,意思是“在某一方面你确实值得称赞”或者“有一点你确实做得很好”,通常用来指出某人在某个方面的优点或成就,尽管可能在其他方面有所不足。-

"Your presentation had some issues, but you do get credit for one thing: your research was thorough."(你的演示有些问题,但有一点你确实值得称赞:你的研究很彻底。)

  • five minutes, give or take three hours

"Five minutes, give or take three hours" 是一种幽默或讽刺的表达方式,用来形容时间估计非常不准确或差距很大。这个短语通过夸张的范围来强调时间的不可预测性或某人对时间估计的极不准确性。

"The repairman promised to arrive within five minutes, give or take three hours."(修理工承诺五分钟内到达,可能会多三小时或者少三小时。)

  • Give or take three hours

"Give or take three hours" 是一个表达,用来形容时间估计可能有三个小时的误差范围。这个短语表示某个时间点或时间段可能会提前或推迟大约三个小时。

"The train will arrive at 6 PM, give or take three hours."(火车将在晚上6点到达,可能会提前或推迟三个小时。

  • have one too many 

"Have one too many" 是一个表达,意思是喝得太多,通常指喝了过量的酒。

"He had one too many at the party and ended up making a fool of himself."(他在派对上喝多了,结果出了洋相。)

  • get your heart stomped on

"Get your heart stomped on" 是一个表达,意思是经历感情上的深刻伤害或失望,通常是由于爱情或友情关系中的背叛、拒绝或伤害而造成的心理创伤。

"She got her heart stomped on when he cheated on her."(当他背叛她时,她的心受到了极大的伤害。)

  • The pickin's slim

"The pickin's slim" 是一个表达,意思是选择的余地不多,通常用来描述选项或机会有限的情况。

"I looked through the job postings, but the pickin's are slim right now."(我浏览了招聘信息,但现在选择余地不大。)

  • leer at us

"Leer at us" 意指对某人或某物有挑逗性地看,通常带有负面的性别歧视或不适感。

"The men at the bar were leering at the women who walked by."(酒吧里的男人对路过的女性眉来眼去,让她们感到不安。)

  • upper hand

"Upper hand" 是一个表达,意思是处于优势或掌握主动权的位置或状态。

"In negotiations, having more information gives you the upper hand."(在谈判中,拥有更多信息可以让你掌握主动权。)

  • ready to pounce

"Ready to pounce" 是一个表达,通常用来形容某人或动物处于准备立即行动或攻击的状态,尤其是在等待时机或观察时机的时候。

"The sales team is ready to pounce on any new leads that come in."(销售团队随时准备抓住任何新的潜在客户。)

  • he is a peach

"He is a peach" 是一个表达,通常用来形容某人非常友善、和蔼可亲、令人愉快或者非常出色。

"She's been so helpful throughout the project; she's a real peach."

  • clam up

"Clam up" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是突然保持沉默或不再说话,通常是由于紧张、不安或不愿继续讨论某个话题而引起的。

"Whenever we ask him about his past, he clams up and changes the subject."(每当我们问他关于过去的事情时,他就变得沉默不语,转移话题。)

  • come to think of it 

"Come to think of it" 是一个表达,意思是在经过思考或回想后,表达某个新的想法或观点。

"Come to think of it, I did see him at the party last night."(现在想想,昨晚我确实在派对上见过他。)

  • shift blame

"Shift blame" 是一个表达,意思是将责任推卸给他人或者企图通过转移注意力来减少或避免自己的责任或过错。

"Instead of admitting his mistake, he tried to shift blame onto his coworkers."(他没有承认自己的错误,而是试图把责任推给他的同事们。)

  • he's up to no good

"He's up to no good" 是一个表达,意思是某人正在做一些不好的事情或者有不良的意图。

"Whenever he gets that look in his eye, I know he's up to no good."(每次他眼神里闪现出那种表情,我就知道他在打坏主意。)

  • pop this in

"Pop this in" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是把某物放进某个地方或开始做某件事情,通常指轻松或快速地进行操作。

"Before we leave, can you pop this in the fridge?"(在我们离开之前,你能把这个放进冰箱吗?)

  • he was gonna be gone

"He was gonna be gone" 是口语化的表达,意思是他即将离开或者他本来打算要离开。

"I heard he was gonna be gone for the weekend."(我听说他打算周末离开。)

  • the mood strikes me

"The mood strikes me" 是一个表达,意思是某人突然感到某种情绪或冲动,通常指某人突然想要做某件事或者表达某种感受。

"I don't plan my paintings; I just paint when the mood strikes me."(我不计划我的绘画作品;我只是在有灵感的时候才会开始画。)

  • just enough to get up the courage

"Just enough to get up the courage" 意思是刚好足够让某人鼓起勇气去做某事。这个表达通常用来描述某人在做一件需要勇气的事情之前,刚好达到了足够的条件或状态。

"She had just enough experience to get up the courage to apply for the job."(她刚好有足够的经验来鼓起勇气申请这份工作。)

  • rap sheet

"Rap sheet" 是一个俚语,通常指犯罪记录或者前科记录,特别是在警方或法律文件中记录的个人犯罪历史。

  • blind faith is not my friend

"Blind faith is not my friend" 表达了对盲目信仰的不赞同或不信任,意思是不愿意只凭信仰或信念去做决定或相信某事,而是更倾向于依靠理性或事实。

"I prefer to have evidence before believing something; blind faith is not my friend."(我更喜欢在相信某事之前有证据;盲目信念并不是我的朋友。)

  • port-a-potty

"Port-a-potty" 是一个俚语,指的是便携式厕所,通常用于户外活动或临时性的公共场所。

  • crash at the party

"Crash at the party" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是未经邀请或未经准许而突然出现并参加派对或聚会。

"We didn't know he was going to crash at the party; he just showed up with his friends."(我们不知道他会闯入派对;他和他的朋友突然出现了。)

  • let someone take the fall

"Let someone take the fall" 是一个表达,意思是让某人承担责任或者受到惩罚,尤其是在某种错误或者犯罪行为发生后,将责任推给他人。

"He didn't want to get in trouble, so he let his friend take the fall for the prank."

  • get to it

"Get to it" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是开始做某事,通常表示催促或鼓励某人尽快开始行动或完成任务。

"We need to finish this report by tomorrow morning, so let's get to it."(我们明天早上必须完成这份报告,所以让我们开始吧。)

  • I've been doing some thinking

"I've been doing some thinking" 是一个表达,通常用来表示某人经过一段时间的思考或考虑后,有了一些新的想法或决定。

"I've been doing some thinking, and I've decided to take that job offer."(我经过一番思考,决定接受那份工作的offer。)




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: