看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第17集

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看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第17集


  • pitch black of night

"Pitch black of night" 是一个表达,意思是夜晚漆黑一片,没有任何光线,通常用来形容极度黑暗的夜晚。

"In the pitch black of night, we couldn't see anything without a flashlight."(在漆黑的夜晚,没有手电筒我们什么也看不见。)

  • give way to

"Give way to" 是一个表达,意思是让位于某物或某事,或被某物或某事取代。它可以用来描述情感、状态或物体的变化或转变。

"His anger gave way to sadness as he listened to the news."(当他听到消息时,他的愤怒变成了悲伤。)

  • at one point or another

"At one point or another" 是一个表达,意思是某事在某个时间点发生过,不一定是具体的时间,但表明其确实发生过。

"At one point or another, everyone has felt lost in their life."(每个人在生活中的某个时间点都曾感到迷茫。)

  • just bonding

"Just bonding" 是一个表达,意思是两个人或一群人正在通过花时间在一起或进行共同活动来建立亲密关系或增进感情。

"Don't worry, we're just bonding while working on this project together."(别担心,我们只是通过一起完成这个项目来增进感情。)

  • get through to someone

"Get through to someone" 是一个表达,意思是成功地与某人沟通,使他们理解或接受你的观点或信息。

"I tried explaining it to him several times, but I couldn't get through to him."(我试着向他解释了好几次,但他还是不明白。)

  • to die for

"To die for" 是一个表达,意思是某物非常好、极其吸引人或令人非常渴望,以至于值得为之付出一切,甚至生命。常用于形容非常美味的食物或非常漂亮的东西。

"She wore a dress that was simply to die for."(她穿了一件美得令人惊叹的裙子。)

  • one if by land, two if by sea

"One if by land, two if by sea" 是一个历史性表达,源自美国独立战争时期,指的是用来传递英军来袭的信号。

"The phrase 'one if by land, two if by sea' has become a symbol of readiness and alertness in American history."(“陆上来袭挂一盏灯,海上来袭挂两盏灯”这一短语已成为美国历史上准备和警觉的象征。)

  • short hairs

"Short hairs" 是一个表达,通常用于描述某人处于一种被控制或受制于人的状态,通常带有一种无助或被掌控的感觉。

"He has them by the short hairs, so they have no choice but to comply."(他抓住了他们的弱点,所以他们不得不遵从。)

  • a weak case

"A weak case" 是一个表达,意思是某个案件、论点或主张缺乏足够的证据、逻辑或支持,因此不太可能成功或被接受。

"The lawyer knew they had a weak case with little evidence to support their claims."

  • over the top

"Over the top" 是一个表达,通常用来形容某人或某事物过于夸张、过度或不合适的情况。

"Her reaction to the news was completely over the top."(她对这个消息的反应完全夸张了。)

  • bells and whistles

"Bells and whistles" 是一个表达,指的是额外的装饰、特别的功能或附加的特性,通常是指在产品或系统中添加的非必需但吸引人的部分。

"The basic model of the car is fine for me; I don't need all the bells and whistles like heated seats and a fancy stereo system."(对我来说,汽车的基本款就足够了;我不需要加热座椅和高级音响等所有的花里胡哨的东西。)

  • pinch pennies

"Pinch pennies" 是一个表达,意思是节省金钱,尤其是在购买和花费上小心谨慎以便省钱。

"Since losing her job, she's had to pinch pennies to make ends meet."(自从失业后,她不得不节衣缩食以维持生计。)

  • flush with cash

"Flush with cash" 是一个表达,指的是有大量现金或资金可供使用或投资。

"After winning the lottery, they were flush with cash and could afford to buy their dream house."(中了彩票后,他们手头充裕,可以买下他们梦寐以求的房子。)

  • let her be true to her roots

"Let her be true to her roots" 是一个表达,意思是让她忠于自己的根源或本真的特质,不要阻碍她保持自己的身份或文化背景。

"The company respects diversity and encourages employees to let them be true to their roots, celebrating different cultures and backgrounds."(公司尊重多样性,鼓励员工保持忠于自己的根源,庆祝不同的文化和背景。)

  • rip it open with my teeth

"Rip it open with my teeth" 是一个表达,意思是用牙齿撕开某物,通常形容一种急切或迫不及待的情绪。

"The children couldn't wait to see what was inside the box and began to rip it open with their teeth."(孩子们迫不及待地想看到盒子里面是什么,开始用牙齿撕开它。)

  • on the spot

"On the spot" 是一个表达,意思是在当场、立即或毫不拖延地做某事。

"When she saw the accident, she called 911 on the spot."(看到事故时,她立即拨打了911。)

  • god forbid something

"God forbid something" 是一个表达,意思是希望某件不好的事情不要发生,通常带有一种祈祷或希望避免灾祸的语气。

"God forbid we have another power outage during the storm."(但愿在暴风雨期间不要再次停电。)

  • You can toss that

"You can toss that" 是一个表达,意思是可以丢掉某物,通常表示某物已不再需要或无用。

"These old magazines are just taking up space; you can toss that."(这些旧杂志只是占地方,你可以丢掉它们。)

  • I'm jumbled up

"I'm jumbled up" 是一个表达,意思是感到困惑、混乱或思绪纷乱。

"After that intense discussion, my thoughts are all jumbled up."(经过那场激烈的讨论后,我的思绪一片混乱。)

  • Reflect and heal

"Reflect and heal" 是一个表达,意思是反思并治愈,通常用于描述面对挑战或伤害后,通过深思熟虑和自我疗愈来恢复身心健康。

"After the breakup, she took some time to reflect and heal before starting a new relationship."(分手后,她花了一些时间反思和疗愈,然后才开始新的恋情。)

  • I don't believe that for a second

"I don't believe that for a second" 意思是对某件事情完全不相信或完全怀疑其真实性。

"She claims she finished the project in just one day, but I don't believe that for a second."(她声称自己一天之内完成了这个项目,但我完全不相信。)

  • You're starting to ramp up into that whole meddling thing you do

"You're starting to ramp up into that whole meddling thing you do" 是一个表达,意思是你又开始介入或干涉别人的事情,这是一种批评对方过度干涉的方式。

"I appreciate your concern, but you're starting to ramp up into that whole meddling thing you do, and I need to handle this on my own."

  • look past your flaws

"Look past your flaws" 是一个表达,意思是忽略或不被某人的缺点所影响,通常是为了看到他们的优点或整体的人格。

"In a strong relationship, both partners look past each other's flaws and focus on their strengths."(在一段稳固的关系中,双方都会忽略对方的缺点,关注他们的优点。)

  • faux vulnerability

"Faux vulnerability" 是一个术语,指的是假装或人为制造的脆弱感或弱点,通常是为了获取同情、支持或注意。

"He often uses faux vulnerability to manipulate people into doing what he wants."(他经常利用假装脆弱来操控人们,让他们按照他的意愿行事。)

  • push my buttons

"Push my buttons" 意思是刻意触动某人的敏感点或惹恼某人,通常是为了引起他们的反应或激怒他们。

"Don't let him push your buttons; he's just trying to provoke you."(不要让他激怒你,他只是在试图刺激你。)

  • It was a close call

"It was a close call" 是一个表达,意思是某件事情几乎发生或者差一点就发生了,通常指避免了危险或者极端情况。

  • set us back

Set us back" 是一个表达,意思是导致我们倒退或延迟进展,通常指某件事情或事件对进展、计划或发展方向造成了负面影响或延误。

"His irresponsible behavior really set us back in our efforts to build trust with our clients."(他的不负责任行为让我们在努力与客户建立信任方面倒退了。)

  • throw me off

"Throw me off" 是一个表达,通常用来表示某人感到困惑、迷失方向或失去节奏,通常是由于某种突如其来或意外的情况导致。

"The sudden change in plans really threw me off; I wasn't prepared for it."(计划突然改变真让我感到困惑,我没有准备好。)

  • I'm gonna hold you to that promise

"I'm gonna hold you to that promise" 是一个表达,意思是某人会记住并期待对方履行他们所做的承诺或许诺。

"The manager promised us a raise next month, and we're gonna hold him to that promise."(经理承诺下个月给我们加薪,我们会记住并要求他兑现承诺。)

  • act out

"Act out" 指通过行为或言语来表达情感或观点,通常是消极或不适当的行为。

"When he gets upset, he tends to act out and yell at everyone."(当他生气时,他倾向于发泄并对每个人大喊大叫。)

  • We have our share of problem

"We have our share of problems" 是一个表达,意思是我们有我们自己的问题或困难,通常指的是在一定范围内经历或面对的各种挑战或困难。

"Every family has their share of problems, but we always find a way to work through them."(每个家庭都有自己的问题,但我们总能找到解决的办法。)

  • Leave off

"Leave off" 省略,不包括:指在描述或讨论中省略或不包含某物或某人。

"He left off mentioning his earlier failures in the presentation." (他在演示中没有提及他早期的失败经历。)

  • You track us down

"You track us down" 这个短语通常表示某人或某组织成功地找到了某人或某物的位置或行踪,有时可能带有负面的含义,暗示寻找的过程可能涉及耗费时间或有一定的困难。

"The detective tracked down the suspect after weeks of investigation."(侦探经过几周的调查后追踪到了嫌疑人。)

  • I took pity on you

"I took pity on you" 是一个表达,意思是我对你表示怜悯或同情,通常指出于同情心而采取行动或决定帮助或容忍某人。

"He took pity on the stray dog and brought it home to take care of it."(他对那只流浪狗感到怜悯,将其带回家里照顾。)

  • This compulsion to stick my nose where it doesn't belong

"This compulsion to stick my nose where it doesn't belong" 表达了一种强烈的倾向或冲动,去插手或干涉不应该涉及的事情或事务。

"I couldn't help myself—I have this compulsion to stick my nose where it doesn't belong."

  • look out for your friends

"Look out for your friends" 是一个表达,意思是要关心和照顾好自己的朋友,提供支持并保护他们不受伤害或危险。

"He's the type of person who will look out for his friends no matter what."(他是那种无论如何都会保护好他的朋友的人。)

  • You're trying to buy us off

"You're trying to buy us off" 是一个表达,通常指某人试图用金钱或其他利益来诱使别人放弃原则、权利或立场,通常带有负面的含义。

"He accused the company of trying to buy off the local officials to get their project approved."(他指责公司试图贿赂地方官员以获得项目的批准。)

  • Let's not get tangled up in legalese

"Let's not get tangled up in legalese" 表达了避免陷入法律术语和复杂法律问题的意图或建议。

"We need to simplify our contract; let's not get tangled up in legalese."(我们需要简化我们的合同,不要陷入法律术语的复杂中。)




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