看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第18集

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看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第18集


  • have a list of names on file

"Have a list of names on file" 是一个表达,意思是某个地方(例如办公室、公司、机构)保存了一份包含名字的列表,通常是为了记录或参考之用。

"The doctor's office has a list of names on file for patients waiting for appointments."

  • I'll bite

"I'll bite" 是一个表达,意思是某人决定对某个提议、暗示或问题作出反应,通常是出于好奇心或为了进一步了解。

"You said you have a surprising announcement. I'll bite—what is it?"(你说你有一个令人惊讶的公告。我有兴趣——是什么?)

  • blow them off

"Blow them off" 是一个表达,意思是忽视或故意不理会某人或某事,通常带有轻蔑或不尊重的意味。

"She asked him to join the meeting, but he just blew her off and didn't show up."(她邀请他参加会议,但他根本不理会,没出现。)

  • I'm dead to them

"I'm dead to them" 是一个表达,意思是某人被别人完全忽视或拒绝联系,通常指关系已经彻底破裂,双方不再互动或联系。

"After the big argument, he told me I'm dead to him and hasn't spoken to me since."

  • make it worth your while

"Make it worth your while" 是一个表达,意思是通过提供报酬或奖励,使某人的努力、时间或付出变得值得。

"The company promised to make it worth our while if we completed the project ahead of schedule."(公司承诺如果我们提前完成项目,会给我们丰厚的奖励,确保我们的付出值得。)

  • settlement check

"Settlement check" 是一个表达,指的是在法律案件、保险理赔、合同纠纷或其他争议中,作为和解或赔偿支付给当事人的支票。

"After months of negotiations, the insurance company finally sent us a settlement check to cover the damages."(经过几个月的谈判,保险公司终于寄来了赔偿支票,以支付损失。)

  • seize the settlement

"Seize the settlement" 是一个表达,通常指通过法律手段或其他强制措施,获得或扣押和解金或赔偿款。

"He worried that his ex-wife would try to seize the settlement from his lawsuit to cover unpaid alimony."(他担心前妻会试图扣押他的诉讼和解金来支付未付的赡养费。)

  • stay put

"Stay put" 是一个表达,意思是保持原地不动,不要离开或改变位置。

"The doctor asked the patient to stay put while she went to get the test results."(医生让病人待在原地,她去取化验结果。)

  • depth perception

"Depth perception" 是指感知物体深度和距离的能力,这种能力使我们能够准确地判断物体在空间中的位置和距离关系。

"Good depth perception is crucial for tasks such as driving, playing sports, and navigating through crowded spaces."(良好的深度知觉对于驾驶、运动和在拥挤空间中导航等任务至关重要。)

  • please hear me out

"Please hear me out" 是一个请求,意思是请给我机会把我的想法或意见说完,不要中途打断或忽视。

"I know you're busy, but please hear me out on this important matter."(我知道你很忙,但请听我说完这个重要的事情。)

  • human race

"Human race" 指的是人类,是指地球上所有人类的总体。

"The human race has made significant advancements in technology over the past century."(在过去的一个世纪里,人类在技术方面取得了显著进步。)

  • in you go

"In you go" 是一个口语化的表达,通常用来告诉某人或某物进入特定的地方或位置。

"The children lined up at the entrance of the amusement park. 'In you go!' said the attendant."(孩子们在游乐园入口排队。“进去吧!”工作人员说道。)

  • mug shot

"Mug shot" 指的是被捕者或被拘留者的照片,通常是在被扣留或逮捕后由警方拍摄的正面和侧面照片。

"The police asked him to stand against the wall for his mug shot."(警察让他站在墙边拍摄他的逮捕照片。)

  • He has such nice manners

"He has such nice manners" 是一种称赞,意思是某人有非常好的礼貌和行为举止。

"At the dinner party, he helped everyone with their chairs. He has such nice manners."(在晚宴上,他帮助每个人拉开椅子。他真是个有着非常好礼貌的人。)

  • come along

"Come along" 是一个常见的口语表达,用来邀请或命令某人一起前往某个地方或参加某个活动。

"We're going to the park. Do you want to come along?"(我们要去公园,你要一起来吗?)

  • third time around

"Third time around" 指的是第三次尝试或发生的事情。

"She finally passed her driving test on the third time around."(她第三次考驾照终于通过了。)

  • You're really clicking

"You're really clicking" 是一种表达,意思是某人在某个活动或任务中表现得非常出色或顺利,事情进展得很顺利或顺心。

"During the presentation, he was really clicking with the audience."(在演讲过程中,他与观众的互动非常流畅。)

  • let go of that

"Let go of that" 是一种指示或建议,意思是放下或放弃某件事物,通常是指停止对某事物的关注或担忧。

"You need to let go of that grudge; it's not healthy to hold onto anger."(你需要放下那个怨恨,抱怨不会对你有好处。)

  • Your fate is sealed

"Your fate is sealed" 表达了命运已经注定,通常指某人或某事的结局已经确定或不可改变。

"If you fail this exam, your fate for this semester is sealed; you won't be able to graduate on time."(如果你这次考试不及格,这个学期的命运已经注定,你将无法按时毕业。)

  • pull the plug on something

"To pull the plug on something" 是一个习语,意思是中止或取消某事物,通常是指停止或终止一个项目、计划、活动或行动。

"The company decided to pull the plug on the new product launch due to market uncertainties."(由于市场不确定性,公司决定取消新产品的推出计划。)

  • I'm dragging today

"I'm dragging today" 表达了今天感觉精神不佳或疲惫不堪的状态。

"I didn't sleep well last night, so I'm dragging today."(我昨晚睡得不好,所以今天感觉精神不佳。)

  • sage advice

"Sage advice" 指的是智慧的建议或意见,通常来自经验丰富且有见识的人。

"My grandfather always gives sage advice on handling finances."(我爷爷在处理财务方面总是给出智慧的建议。)

  • if you will excuse me

"If you will excuse me" 是一种礼貌的表达,用来请求暂时离开、打断或结束谈话。

"If you will excuse me, I need to make a quick phone call."(请原谅,我需要打个电话。)

  • The hell I'm not

"The hell I'm not" 是一种强烈的表达方式,表示强烈否定某种说法或假设,并且表达自信或坚定的态度。

"You think I can't handle this project? The hell I'm not!"(你认为我处理不了这个项目? 才不是呢!)

  • back me up on something

"Back me up on something" 意思是支持或赞同某人在某个问题或情况下的立场或观点。

"I need you to back me up on this decision during the meeting."(在会议上,我需要你支持我的这个决定。)

  • But make no mistake

"But make no mistake" 是一种强调性的表达,用来明确表示接下来的陈述是重要且无可争议的,通常用于警告或强调某个事实或观点。

"This project is difficult, but make no mistake, it's absolutely crucial for our success."(这个项目很难,但请明确,它对我们的成功至关重要。)

  • time-out

"Time-out" 指的是暂停或暂时停止,通常用于体育、教育和日常生活中,以提供一个短暂的休息或冷静时间。

"The teacher gave the student a time-out for disrupting the class."(老师因为学生扰乱课堂,给了他一个暂停反省的时间。)

  • empty threat

"Empty threat" 是一种表达,意思是某人发出的威胁并没有实际的力量或意图去执行,是无效或不会兑现的威胁。

"He keeps saying he'll quit his job, but everyone knows it's just an empty threat."(他总是说他会辞职,但大家都知道这只是空洞的威胁。)

  • They are onto us

"They are onto us" 是一种表达,意思是某人或某些人已经察觉到我们的计划、意图或行为。

"We need to change our strategy; I think they're onto us."(我们需要改变策略,我觉得他们已经察觉到我们的计划了。)

  • beat out of me

"Beat out of me" 是一种表达,通常指通过暴力或胁迫从某人那里逼出信息、情感或反应。

"They tried to beat the truth out of me, but I refused to talk."

  • good taste goes to die

"Good taste goes to die" 是一种夸张和幽默的表达方式,用来指代一种对艺术、审美或品味的误解或低估。

"At that restaurant, it seems like good taste goes to die."(在那家餐厅里,好的品味似乎都被抛到九霄云外了。)

  • work things out

"Work things out" 是一个常见的表达,意思是解决问题、处理事务或解决分歧。

"They need to sit down and work things out before the deadline."(他们需要在截止日期之前坐下来解决问题。)

  • know him inside and out

"Know him inside and out" 是一个表达,意思是非常了解某人,包括他的性格、习惯和个性的方方面面。

"After living with him for five years, I know him inside and out."(和他一起生活了五年后,我对他非常了解。)

  • go with something

"Go with something" 是一个口语化的表达,通常指在做出选择时选择某个选项或决定。

"I'm not sure which dress to wear tonight. Should I go with something casual or dressy?"(我不确定今晚应该穿哪件衣服。我是选择休闲还是正式的?)

  • make a fool out of me 

"Make a fool out of me" 是一个表达,意思是让某人感到被愚弄或被耍了。

"He promised he knew how to fix the car, but he just made a fool out of me when it broke down again."(他承诺他知道如何修车,但当车再次坏了时,他只是让我感到被愚弄了。)

  • go forward with the session

"Go forward with the session" 是一个表达,意思是继续进行某个会议、课程、讨论或活动。

"Despite the technical difficulties, we decided to go forward with the session and address the issues as they came up."(尽管有技术困难,我们决定继续进行这次会议,并在问题出现时加以解决。)

  • off the hook

"Off the hook"从责难或惩罚中被免除

"He was caught cheating on the test, but somehow he got off the hook."(他被抓作弊了,但不知怎么地他逃过一劫。)

  • who knows at this point

"Who knows at this point" 是一个口语化的表达,通常用来表示在当前情况下不确定或无法预测的态度。

"They promised to fix it by tomorrow, but who knows at this point if they'll really do it."(他们答应明天修好,但现在谁知道他们是否真的会这样做。)

  • knock a couple back

"Knock a couple back" 是一个口语化的表达,通常指连续喝几杯酒或饮酒。这个表达有时候带有轻松或非正式的语气。

"After a long day at work, he likes to knock a couple back at the bar with his friends." 工作了一整天后,他喜欢和朋友们在酒吧里喝上几杯。

  • things got heated

"Things got heated" 是一个口语化的表达,通常指在某种情况或讨论中,情绪变得激烈或紧张。

"During the meeting, things got heated when they started arguing about the budget." 在会议期间,当他们开始就预算问题争论时,气氛变得紧张起来。

  • If I knew then what I know now

"If I knew then what I know now" 是一个表达,通常用来表达对过去做出不同选择或行动的遗憾或反思。

"If I knew then what I know now, I would have invested in that company early on." 如果当时我知道现在的情况,我早就会投资那家公司了。

  • I'm through feeling guilty

"I'm through feeling guilty" 是一个表达,意思是不再感到内疚或自责。

"After apologizing and making amends, I'm through feeling guilty about what happened." 在道歉并弥补后,我不再为发生的事情感到内疚了。

  • piss your life away

"Piss your life away" 是一个口语化的表达,通常指浪费生活或时间在没有意义或不值得的事情上。

"He spent years gambling and drinking, just pissing his life away." 他花了几年时间赌博和饮酒,简直是在浪费生命。

  • I want it stated for the record

"I want it stated for the record" 是一个表达,通常指要求某件事情被正式记录或书面确认,以便将来有证据或记录可查。

"Before we proceed, I want it stated for the record that I strongly disagree with this decision." 在我们继续之前,我希望正式记录下来,我对这个决定强烈不同意。

  • He drove me right into your arms

"He drove me right into your arms" 是一个表达,通常指某人的行为或情况导致另一个人与某人或某种情况密切接触或联系。

"After our argument, he drove me right into your arms, seeking comfort." 在我们争吵后,他把我直接推向了你的怀抱,寻求安慰。

  • hit me square in the gut

"Hit me square in the gut" 正好打在我肚子上

  • I'm doomed

"I'm doomed" 是一个表达,通常用来表达某人对未来或当前情况的悲观或绝望感,认为自己注定会面临不好的结局或结果。

"After failing the final exam, I feel like I'm doomed to repeat the course." 考试没通过后,我感觉我注定要重修这门课了。

  • burn out all my oxygen

"Burn out all my oxygen" 是一个比喻性的表达,通常用来形容某种情况或活动消耗完所有的精力、资源或耐力,使人感到筋疲力尽或无法再继续。

"Working overtime every day has burned out all my oxygen; I need a break." 每天加班工作已经消耗了我所有的精力,我需要休息。




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