看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第19集

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看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第19集


  • People leave trails

"People leave trails" 是一个表达,意思是人们的行为、行动或经历会留下痕迹或线索,这些痕迹或线索可以被追踪或发现。

"Social media makes it easier to track people because people leave trails with every post and check-in."(社交媒体让追踪人们变得更容易,因为每次发帖和签到都会留下痕迹。)

  • for days on end

"for days on end" 是一个表达,意思是连续几天不停地做某件事,没有中断。

"He worked on the project for days on end without taking a break."(他连续几天不停地工作在这个项目上,没有休息。)

  • on a fixed-income

"on a fixed income" 是一个表达,意思是依靠固定的收入生活,通常指退休金或社会保障金等不变的收入来源。

"Living on a fixed income can be challenging, especially with rising living costs."(依靠固定收入生活可能会很有挑战性,特别是在生活成本不断上升的情况下。)

  • nursing home

"nursing home" 是一个名词,意思是专门为老年人或需要长期护理的人提供医疗和日常生活照顾的机构。

"After her stroke, she moved into a nursing home where she could receive 24-hour care."(中风后,她搬进了一家养老院,在那里她可以得到24小时的护理。)

  • I'll get the door

"I'll get the door" 是一个表达,意思是某人会去开门,通常是为了迎接访客或处理有人敲门的情况。

"Guests started arriving, so he got up and said, 'I'll get the door.'"

  • I.D.'d

"I.D.'d" 是一个缩写,通常指对某人进行身份验证,确认其身份或身份证明。

"The security guard I.D.'d everyone entering the building."(保安对进入建筑物的每个人进行了身份验证。)

  • take the heat off you

"Take the heat off you" 是一个表达,意思是减轻某人的压力、责任或注意力,通常是通过分担任务、转移注意力或解决问题来减少某人面对的负面影响或压力。

"She tried to take the heat off her friend by admitting it was her mistake."(她试图通过承认错误来减轻她朋友的压力。)

  • worry sick over nothing

"Worry sick over nothing" 是一个表达,意思是因为毫无必要的事情而过分担心或焦虑,通常指在没有真正问题或危险的情况下过度担忧。

"He was worried sick over nothing until he realized he had misunderstood the situation."(直到意识到自己误解了情况,他才因为毫无必要的事情而过度担心。)

  • for Pete's sake

"For Pete's sake" 是一个口语化的表达,用来表达强烈的感叹、愤怒、惊讶或请求。这个短语通常用来代替更强烈或不礼貌的表达方式。

"For Pete's sake, can you please just listen to me for once?"(拜托了,你能不能就这一次听听我说话?)

  • I bet you do

"I bet you do" 是一个口语化的表达,可以用来表示同意或认同某人的说法,或者表达一种强调或确认的态度。

  • hip club

"Hip club" 指的是时髦或潮流的俱乐部或夜店,通常吸引年轻人或对流行文化敏感的人群。

"The new club downtown is really hip, with great music and a trendy atmosphere."(市中心的新俱乐部非常时髦,音乐好听,氛围时尚。)

  • You can pull it off

"You can pull it off" 是一个表达,意思是你能成功做到某事或你能够成功完成看起来困难的任务。这个短语通常用于鼓励某人并表达对其能力的信心。

"I know the project is challenging, but you can pull it off."(我知道这个项目很有挑战性,但你能成功完成。)

  • OD'd

"OD'd" 是 "overdosed" 的缩写,意思是服用药物或毒品过量,通常指达到危险或致命水平。

"He OD'd on painkillers and had to be rushed to the hospital."(他服用止痛药过量,不得不被紧急送往医院。)

  • how good you've got here

"how good you've got here" 可能是一个口语化的表达,意思是表扬某人或某物的进步或改善,通常用来表示对某人或某物的现状或状态感到满意或赞赏。

"Wow, look at how good you've got here! Your skills have really improved."(哇,看看你做得多好!”你的技能真的提高了。)

  • something went south

"Something went south" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是某事情出现了问题、失败或不如预期。

"The project started well, but then everything went south after the funding was cut."

  • cut up all my credit card

"Cut up all my credit card" 意味着将所有信用卡剪碎或销毁,通常是出于停止使用信用卡或者避免债务的目的。

"After getting into financial trouble, she cut up all her credit cards."(在陷入财务困境后,她剪碎了所有的信用卡。)

  • I'll pay it off

"I'll pay it off" 表示我会支付(通常是指清偿债务或账单),意思是承诺或打算支付某笔款项。

"I've accumulated some credit card debt, but don't worry, I'll pay it off."(我积累了一些信用卡债务,但别担心,我会还清它。)

  • far be it from me

"Far be it from me" 是一个表达,常用于引入一种谦虚或反对的态度,表示某事不应由自己来做或判断,通常用来表达自己对某事的不同看法或态度。

"Far be it from me to intervene in their relationship, but I think they need to communicate better."(我并不想干涉他们的关系,但我认为他们需要更好地沟通。)

  • I'll swing by

"I'll swing by" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是顺便过去或顺道去某个地方,通常是指在去其他地方的路上或计划中加入一个额外的目的地或行程。

"I need to pick up some groceries on the way home, so I'll swing by the store."(我回家的路上需要买些杂货,所以我会顺便去超市。)

  • let's make up a batch

"Let's make up a batch" 意思是让我们制作一批(通常指食物或产品),或者进行某种批量生产或制造。

"Let's make up a batch of cookies for the party."(让我们做一批饼干参加聚会。)

  • my car's on the fritz

"My car's on the fritz" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是我的车出了故障或有问题。

"I can't drive to work today because my car's on the fritz."(我今天不能开车去上班,因为我的车出了故障。)

  • hitch a ride

"Hitch a ride" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是搭便车或乘坐他人的车辆去某个地方,通常是指没有自己的交通工具时候,请求别人的帮助或者接受别人的提议。

"Can I hitch a ride with you to the party tonight?"(今晚去派对,我可以和你一起搭车吗?))

  • It's a beautiful gesture

"It's a beautiful gesture" 表达的意思是这是一种美好的表达或姿态,通常用来赞赏某人的行为或举动,认为其表达了善意、关怀或令人感动的情感。

"He cooked dinner for his wife after a long day at work; it was such a beautiful gesture of love."(他在工作了一整天后为妻子做晚餐,这是一种表达爱意的非常美好的姿态。)

  • go sleepy-bye

"Go sleepy-bye" 是一个幼儿语或亲昵的表达,意思是去睡觉或准备睡觉。

"It's time for you to go sleepy-bye."(现在是你去睡觉的时间了。)

  • buy off

"Buy off" 是一个短语,通常指通过贿赂或支付金钱来影响或收买某人,以获取某种好处或达到某种目的。

"The company tried to buy off the government officials to get their project approved."(公司试图贿赂政府官员以获得他们项目的批准。)

  • get traced back to me

"Get traced back to me" 意思是某事或某行为被追溯到自己身上,通常指责任、后果或行为的来源被发现或揭露。

"If this plan fails, it could get traced back to the CEO."(如果这个计划失败了,责任可能会被追溯到CEO身上。)

  • turn your cell off

"Turn your cell off" 意思是关闭你的手机,停止使用手机或将手机设备关机。

"Please turn your cell off during the meeting."(请在会议期间关闭你的手机。)

  • blurt out

"To blurt out" 是一个短语,意思是突然说出(通常是不经意或没有考虑后果地说出)某事,尤指秘密、个人感受或意见。

"He often blurts out inappropriate comments during meetings."(他在会议中经常脱口而出一些不合适的评论。)

  • let me get this straight

"Let me get this straight" 是一个表达,意思是让我搞清楚,让我理清楚事情的来龙去脉或确保我理解正确。

"So, let me get this straight—you want me to finish this report by tomorrow?"(所以,让我搞清楚一下—你希望我明天前完成这份报告?)

  • this is on me

"This is on me" 是一个表达,意思是我来付款或承担责任,通常用来表示自己愿意支付费用或承担某个责任。

"Don't worry about the bill; this one is on me."(别担心账单,这个我来付。)

  • set the table for four places

"Set the table for four places" 意思是摆放餐具和用具,准备四个座位的餐桌。

"Could you please set the table for four places? We're expecting guests for dinner."(你能把四个座位的餐桌摆好吗?我们晚饭要有客人来。)

  • That is nothing short of miraculous

"That is nothing short of miraculous" 是一个表达,意思是这简直就是奇迹般的,用来形容某事非常令人惊讶或不可思议。

"The doctors said her recovery was nothing short of miraculous."(医生们说她的恢复简直是奇迹般的。)

  • People have been coming onto me left and right

"People have been coming onto me left and right" 意思是很多人不断向我表示好感或追求我,通常指的是在约会或浪漫关系方面的关注。

"At the party, it felt like everyone was coming onto me left and right."(在聚会上,感觉每个人都在追求我。)

  • be that as it may

"Be that as it may" 是一个表达,意思是尽管如此、不过、无论如何,用于承认某种情况或事实,但随后表示将继续讨论或考虑其他观点或情况。

"She's not feeling well; be that as it may, she has to finish the project on time."(她感觉不舒服;不过,她必须按时完成这个项目。)

  • from here on out

"From here on out" 是一个表达,意思是从现在开始,指未来的时间段,强调接下来的行动或变化。

"From here on out, we need to be more careful with our spending."(从现在开始,我们需要更加注意开支。)

  • come through

"Come through" 是一个短语,意思是成功完成某事、提供帮助或在关键时刻出现,通常用于形容某人履行承诺或满足期望。

"He promised to help us move, and he came through as he said."(他承诺帮助我们搬家,结果他兑现了承诺。)

  • go over and check on her

"Go over and check on her" 的意思是去某个地方关心或查看某人的情况,通常是为了确认她的安全、健康或情绪状态。

"I haven't heard from her in a while. Can you go over and check on her?"(我很久没收到她的消息了。你能去看看她吗?)

  • good luck with that

"Good luck with that" 是一个表达,通常用来表示对某人所要做的事情的祝福,可能带有轻微的讽刺或怀疑的语气,暗示事情可能比较困难或不太容易。

"She wants to start her own business without any experience." "Good luck with that."(“她想在没有任何经验的情况下开自己的公司。” “祝她好运。”)

  • rip up something

"Rip up something" 是一个短语,意思是撕毁或撕开某物,通常是指把纸张、文件或其他材料撕成碎片。

"He decided to rip up the contract after realizing it was a bad deal."(他意识到这是个坏交易后,决定撕毁合同。)

  • It can be rewarding

"It can be rewarding" 意思是某件事情可能会带来满足感、成就感或积极的结果,通常指的是在努力或付出之后获得的好处。

"Parenting can be tough, but it can be rewarding when you see your child succeed."(养育孩子可能很艰难,但看到孩子成功时是非常有成就感的。)

  • The perfect capper to the perfect evening

"The perfect capper to the perfect evening" 意思是为一个完美的晚上画上完美的句号,通常指的是某个活动、时刻或事件让整个晚上变得更加圆满和完美。

"Watching the sunset together was the perfect capper to the perfect evening."(一起看日落是为一个完美的晚上画上完美句号的时刻。)

  • a place just off the interstate

"A place just off the interstate" 意思是指位于州际公路旁边的地方,通常是方便旅客或过路人停留的区域,比如加油站、餐馆或酒店。

"There's a hotel just off the interstate if you need to rest for the night."(如果你需要休息一晚,有一家位于州际公路旁的酒店。)

  • hold it

"Hold it" 是一个短语,通常用来要求某人暂停或停止正在进行的动作,或者用来表达对某事的关注或需要澄清的请求。

"If you’re going to make a big decision, hold it until you have more information."(如果你要做一个重大决定,等到你有更多信息再说。)

  • a case of pink eye

"A case of pink eye" 指的是一种眼部感染,医学上称为结膜炎,通常由细菌、病毒或过敏引起,导致眼睛发红、流泪和不适。

"She had to miss school because she came down with a case of pink eye."(她因为得了结膜炎不得不缺课。)

  • You're a piece of work

"You're a piece of work" 是一个口语化的表达,通常用来形容某人性格复杂、难以处理或行为特别,可能带有讽刺或幽默的意味。

"After all the trouble you caused, I can only say you're a piece of work."(在你造成的所有麻烦之后,我只能说你真是个麻烦制造者。)

  • They're such tools

"They're such tools" 是一个口语化的表达,通常用来形容某些人愚蠢、傻或令人厌烦,常带有贬义,暗示他们的行为或态度令人失望。

"Did you hear how they talked to the waiter? They're such tools."(你听到他们怎么对待服务员了吗?他们真是太傻了。)

  • Just so I'm clear

"Just so I'm clear" 是一个用来确认信息或确保理解的表达,通常在讨论或交流中使用,以便避免误解

"Just so I'm clear, are we meeting at 6 PM or 7 PM?"(为了让我确认一下,我们是6点还是7点见面?)

  • big time

"Big time" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是在很大程度上、非常、极其,用于强调某事的程度或重要性。

"He messed up big time during the presentation."(他在演示中大大搞砸了。)

  • when she least expects it

"When she least expects it" 是一个短语,意思是在她最不期待或没有准备的时候,通常用于描述某件事情发生的时机,让人感到意外。

"I'll surprise her with a gift when she least expects it."(我会在她最不期待的时候给她一个惊喜礼物。)

  • rock her world

"Rock her world" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是给某人带来极大的震撼或影响,通常指在情感或体验上带来深刻的改变。

"That concert was amazing; it really rocked her world!"(那场音乐会太精彩了;真的让她震撼不已!)

  • it can be just about anyone

"It can be just about anyone" 意思是几乎可以是任何人,强调没有特定的限制,适用于许多人或大多数人。

"The invitation is open; it can be just about anyone who wants to join us."(邀请是公开的,几乎可以是任何想参加的人。)

  • hold your water

"Hold your water" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是让某人暂时耐心等待或控制自己的情绪,特别是指在某种情况下不要急于行动或表达。

"I know you're eager to leave, but hold your water until we finish packing."(我知道你很急着离开,但在我们打包完之前请稍等一下。)



看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第20集

看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第18集



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: