看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第20集

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看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第20集


  • a whole lot of revenge

"A whole lot of revenge" 意思是非常强烈的复仇情感或行动,强调报复的程度和强度。

"After what they did to him, he was filled with a whole lot of revenge."(在他们对他所做的事情之后,他充满了强烈的复仇欲望。)

  • in the worst way

"In the worst way" 是一个表达,意思是非常强烈地或极度地,通常用于描述某人的渴望、需求或意图。

"She wanted to win the competition in the worst way."(她非常渴望赢得比赛。)

  • do well by someone

"Do well by someone" 是一个表达,意思是对某人好、善待某人或为某人做有利的事情,通常指在道德上或物质上对某人有帮助或有益。

"She did well by her friends, helping them whenever they were in need."(她善待她的朋友们,每当他们需要帮助时,她都会伸出援手。)

  • suffer through

"Suffer through" 是一个表达,意思是忍受、勉强度过某种困难或不愉快的情况,通常强调忍受的痛苦或不适。

"He suffered through months of rehabilitation after the accident."(事故后他忍受了几个月的康复治疗。)

  • How's that for a start?

"How's that for a start?" 是一个表达,通常用来询问对某事开始部分的意见或反应,常带有自信或挑战的语气,意在展示自己已经完成的部分或者初步的努力。

"I managed to clean the entire living room in an hour. How's that for a start?"(我一个小时内打扫了整个客厅。这个开头怎么样?)

  • So she took her victories where she found them.

"So she took her victories where she found them" 是一个表达,意思是她在能够找到的地方取得了胜利,强调在有限的机会或困难环境中抓住每一个可能的成功点。

"Life wasn't easy for her, but she appreciated the little joys and successes. So she took her victories where she found them."(她的生活并不容易,但她很欣赏那些小小的快乐和成功。所以她在能找到的地方取得了胜利。)

  • run into someone

"Run into someone" 是一个表达,意思是偶然遇到某人,通常是在没有计划或预期的情况下碰见某人。

"I ran into an old friend at the grocery store yesterday."(我昨天在杂货店偶然遇到了一个老朋友。)

  • in quite some time

"In quite some time" 是一个表达,意思是很长一段时间,通常用于强调自某个事件以来已经过去了很久

"In q"I haven't seen her in quite some time; it's nice to reconnect."(我很久没见到她了,能重新联系真好。)

  • down-sizing phase

"Down-sizing phase" 是一个表达,指的是一个组织或公司在进行裁员、缩减规模或减少开支的阶段,通常是在经济困难或结构调整时进行的。

"During the down-sizing phase, many employees were let go to cut costs." (在裁员阶段,许多员工被解雇以降低成本。)

  • Snap out of it

"Snap out of it" 是一个表达,意思是让某人迅速摆脱消极情绪或状态,恢复正常或积极的心态。

"You’ve been so down lately; it's time to snap out of it and enjoy life again."(你最近情绪低落;是时候振作起来,重新享受生活了。)

  • Has it been going around?

"Has it been going around?" 是一个表达,通常用来询问某种情况、消息或疾病是否在某个圈子或区域内广泛传播,暗示关注或担忧的情绪。

"I heard about the flu outbreak. Has it been going around at school?"(我听说流感爆发了。这个情况在学校里流行吗?)

  • slip his mind

"Slip his mind" 是一个表达,意思是某事被遗忘或不小心忽略了,通常指暂时性的不记得。

"I completely forgot about our meeting; it must have slipped my mind."(我完全忘了我们的会议;这一定是我不小心忽略了。)

  • suit yourself

"Suit yourself" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是随你的便、你自己决定,通常用在不太赞同某人选择的情况下,但不想进一步争论。

"I think you should come with us, but suit yourself if you want to stay home."(我觉得你应该和我们一起去,但如果你想待在家,那就随你便。)

  • get hot in the butt

"Get hot in the butt" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是感到非常生气或恼火,通常用在非正式的场合。

"She tends to get hot in the butt over minor issues."(她对小问题经常会变得很恼火。)

  • Don't mess with him

"Don't mess with him" 是一个表达,意思是不要惹他、不要与他发生冲突,通常用来警告别人不要挑战某人。

"I heard he has a short temper, so don't mess with him."(我听说他脾气很火爆,所以别惹他。)

  • put it off

"Put it off" 是一个表达,意思是推迟或拖延某件事情,通常指本来应该做的事情被暂时搁置。

"He put off the meeting until next week."(他把会议推迟到下周。)

  • You read me like a book

"You read me like a book" 是一个表达,意思是某人很容易理解你的想法、情感或动机,通常带有一种被看透的感觉。

"I can't hide anything from you; you read me like a book."(我对你没有任何隐瞒;你很容易看透我。)

  • a teeny tiny little bit

a teeny tiny little bit" 是一个表达,意思是非常小的量或程度,通常用来强调事物的微小或细微。

"I just need a teeny tiny little bit more time to finish the project."(我只需要一点点时间来完成这个项目。)

  • spice up

"Spice up" 是一个表达,意思是使某事变得更加有趣、生动或引人注目,通常用于提升某个活动、场合或内容的吸引力

"We need to spice up the party with some games and music."(我们需要通过一些游戏和音乐来让派对更有趣。)

  • Don't be dense

"Don't be dense" 是一个表达,意思是不要显得迟钝或愚蠢,通常用于提醒某人要更聪明地理解某种情况或信息。

"I can't believe you didn't get that joke. Don't be dense!"(我真不敢相信你没听懂那个笑话。别那么迟钝!)

  • That's rather more your speed

"That's rather more your speed" 是一个表达,意思是某事物更符合某人的兴趣、能力或风格,通常用来表示某个选择更适合某人。

"He usually enjoys action movies, so this comedy is rather more your speed."(他通常喜欢动作片,所以这部喜剧更适合你。)

  • back to the trenches

"Back to the trenches" 是一个表达,意思是回到艰苦的工作或挑战的环境,通常用来形容重新投入到繁重的任务或责任中。

"After a short break, it's time to get back to the trenches and finish the project."(短暂休息后,是时候回到工作中去完成项目了。)

  • rock solid

"Rock solid" 是一个表达,意思是非常坚固、可靠或稳定,通常用来形容某事或某人的强度和可靠性。

"You can count on him; his support is rock solid."(你可以依靠他;他的支持非常可靠。)

  • one-tenth of a percent

"One-tenth of a percent" 就是0.1%。通常用来表示非常小的比例或变化。

"The interest rate increased by one-tenth of a percent."(利率上升了0.1%。)

  • Things are really coming along

"Things are really coming along" 是一个表达,意思是事情进展顺利或有了显著进展,通常用于形容某个项目或计划在按预期进行。

"The new website design is really coming along. It looks fantastic!"(新网站设计进展顺利。看起来非常棒!)

  • They fell out

"They fell out" 是一个表达,意思是他们发生了争吵或冲突,导致关系破裂或变得疏远。

"They used to be best friends, but they fell out over a misunderstanding."(他们以前是最好的朋友,但因为误会而闹翻了。)

  • hazy on the detail

"Hazy on the detail" 是一个表达,意思是对细节不太清楚或记不清,通常指对某个事件或信息的记忆模糊不清。

"She remembered the overall story but was hazy on the detail."(她记得大致的故事情节,但细节有些模糊。)

  • pull that crap

Pull that crap" 是一个表达,意思是做令人反感或不好的事情,通常带有强烈的批评和不满。

"If you pull that crap in this company, you'll be out the door in no time."(如果你在这家公司搞那些鬼把戏,你很快就会被解雇。)

  • jump down my throat

"Jump down my throat" 是一个表达,意思是对某人进行严厉或突然的批评,通常带有责备或愤怒的情绪。

"I made a simple mistake and he jumped down my throat about it."(我犯了一个小错误,他就对我大发雷霆。)

  • pull an all-nighter

"Pull an all-nighter" 是一个表达,意思是熬夜通宵工作或学习,通常为了完成某个紧急或重要的任务。

"I had to pull an all-nighter to finish the project before the deadline."(我不得不熬夜通宵完成项目,以赶在截止日期之前。)

  • commitment ceremony

"Commitment ceremony" 是一个表达,意思是一种仪式,庆祝两个人在情感上和精神上承诺彼此,通常类似于婚礼,但不具有法律效力。

"They had a beautiful commitment ceremony to celebrate their love and dedication to each other."(他们举行了一场美丽的承诺仪式来庆祝他们对彼此的爱和奉献。)

  • crash the party

"Crash the party" 是一个表达,意思是未经邀请擅自参加某个聚会或活动。

"We decided to crash the party even though we didn't know anyone there."(我们决定去参加那个聚会,尽管我们一个人都不认识。)

  • take no for an answer

"Take no for an answer" 是一个表达,意思是接受别人拒绝的回答,不再强求或继续纠缠。

"It's important to respect people's boundaries and take no for an answer."(尊重他人的界限,接受拒绝是很重要的。)

  • almost positive 

"Almost positive" 是一个表达,意思是非常确信某事,但又带有一些不确定性,通常表示一种高概率的信念。

"She's almost positive he will show up at the party."(她几乎确信他会出现在派对上。)

  • I'm in over my head

"I'm in over my head" 是一个表达,意思是自己卷入了超出能力或理解范围的情况,通常感到无法应对或控制。

"I took on too many projects at once, and now I'm in over my head."(我一次接了太多项目,现在感到应接不暇。)



看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第21集

看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第19集



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: