看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第一季第9集

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Gabe 在意外发生后,找到了可以让自己内心稍微平静一些的办法——举办时尚慈善募捐晚宴。在晚宴的筹备过程中,Susan无意间发现了她和青少年园丁之间的秘密。


She decided to seduce a famous fashion photographer. 她决定勾引一位著名的时装摄影师。

Her recent most great idea was born out of her boredom with her new life. 她最近最好的点子是由于她对新生活的厌倦而产生的。

It was cut short by a tragic accident. 它被一次不幸的事故中断了。 cut short (idiom): to end (something) earlier than expected.

No time, I have to intubate. 没时间了,我得插管。

She decided to throw out the first Sacred Heart charity fashion show to raise money for more nurse staff. 她决定举办第一届圣心慈善时装秀,为更多的护士筹集资金。

When it comes to the latest fashion, women are seldom charitable. 当s涉及到最新的时尚时,女人很少是慷慨的。

She understands that treachery never goes out of style. 她知道背叛永远不会过时。

He is making money left and right. 他忙着到处赚钱。left and right: 1. in a very quick and uncontrolled way. 2.  in all directions

She always says she will never be caught dead in black. 她总是说她死也不穿黑色。 wouldn't be caught dead (doing something): Would never do the thing being discussed; would be horribly ashamed or embarrassed to do something.

You know the letter is one notch above prison mail. 你知道这封信比监狱的信件要强一点。one notch above: (idiomatic) superior to; of a higher quality than

Our last version of normal had me popping pills. 我们过去的正常状态让我不得不吃药。pop: <非正式> 尝试,努力

That's a big commitment. 这是一笔很大的支出。commitment: 需要定期支付的款项

He has not shown an ounce of remorse since the accident. 事故发生后,他从未表现出一丝悔意。

He hung out in your womb for a few months back in the '80s. 八十年代的时候他在你子宫里待过几个月。

Finally, got the charity bug? 终于被慈善事业的热情感染了吗?

You can start by helping us alphabetize the donation cards. 你可以帮我们把捐赠卡按字母顺序排列。

He was just helping adjust the seam of my stocking. 他只是在帮我调整袜子的缝。

When Carl ran off with Brandi, you saw what a basket case I was. 卡尔和布兰迪私奔的时候,你也看到我有多崩溃了。basket case: a person who is functionally incapacitated from extreme nervousness, emotional distress, mental or physical overwork, etc.

That's a rationalization and you know it. 这是强词夺理,你知道的。

Each one is more incompetent than the last. 一个比一个更不称职。

A-list nannies.  最好的保姆

So I can poach me one. 这样我就可以自己挖一个了。

We went out and raided other companies. 我们出去挖其他公司墙角。raid: 突袭,偷袭;突击搜捕,突然搜查;抢劫,劫掠;扫荡(某处的食物)

But stealing a family's nanny is so unseemly. 但偷别人家的保姆太不得体了。unseemly: 不适宜的;不得体的

Why shouldn't the qualified person reap the benefits? 为什么有资历的人不能从中受益呢? reap: 获得,收获;收割(庄稼等)

I broke it off with Danielle. 我和丹妮尔分手了。

Your timing is impeccable. 你的时机真是无可挑剔。impeccable: 无瑕疵的,没有缺点的;

Since the accident, Bree has started to worry her son's sense of morality was going up with smoke. 事故发生后,布里开始担心儿子的良知烟消云散了。

I was wondering if you've bothered to spend any time reflecting on the reasons that you've been grounded. 我想知道你有没有想过你被禁足的原因。

You are strung out. 你都神志不清了。

It's a container you'll urinate into. 这是一个容器,你要在里面小便。

She looks so slutty at Ray's party. 她在雷的派对上看起来真性感。

You still hung up on your mysterious married lady? 你还为你那位神秘已婚女士着迷吗? hung up on: <非正式>全神贯注,被迷住的(hung up about/on)

She doesn't treat me like some lame yard boy. 她没把我当成一个打理草坪的傻小子。

With the money I paid, you can afford a padlock. 用我付的钱,你可以买一把挂锁。

Bree had given Lynette the low-down of Valley View Park. 布里向勒奈特透露了谷景公园的内幕。low-down: 内幕

It was a gathering place for upscale nannies and their young charges. 这里是高档保姆和他们年轻小主人的聚集地。

I thought you move back home to try to straighten Andrew out. 我以为你搬回家是为了整顿安德鲁。strainghten out:  to improve in behavior or condition or to cause (someone or something) to improve in behavior or condition

Why does he back out? 他为什么退出? back out: 退出

You look so gorgeous. 你看起来真漂亮。

You have to change the line-up. 你得改一下出场顺序。

Here is another exquisite ball gown. 这是另一件精致的舞会礼服。exquisite:精致的,精美的;

She is wearing a dignified classic, perfect for Sunday tea or christening. 她穿着端庄的经典礼服,非常适合周日喝茶或洗礼。

Finally, to cap off our evening... 最后,为了结束我们的夜晚... cap off: finish or complete, as with some decisive action

hand-beaded French lace, lavender marabou 手工串珠法国蕾丝,淡紫色鹳毛

Bree had resorted to extreme measures to save her son's soul. 布里为了拯救儿子的灵魂,采取了极端的手段。resort: 诉诸,求助于

As she rummaged through her son's private possessions, it occurred to her that sometimes a little betrayal is good for the soul. 当她翻找儿子的私人物品时,她突然意识到,有时一点背叛也是有益处的。

I didn't get a chance to tell you how sorry I was about what happened to the fundraise. 我还没来得及告诉你我对募捐的事有多抱歉。fundraise: /ˈfʌndreɪz/ 募捐

I didn't intend to cause a scene. 我不是故意要出丑的。cause/make a scene: The phrase making a scene is a verb phrase that describes being loud and drawing a lot of attention in a negative way.

I'm just horrified. 我吓坏了。

If you know anything about Zach's whereabouts, you need to tell me now. 如果你知道扎克的下落,现在就告诉我。

I have a list of customers' names on the file. 我的档案里有一份客户名单。

This chest looks like it's been through hell. 这个箱子看起来像是经历了好多磨难。

Of all the stupid boneheaded decisions. 所有愚蠢的决定。

I was set up. The coach got an anonymous phone call. 我被陷害了。教练接到了一个匿名电话。

Gabe believed there was an excellent chance that Helen would inform Carlos of his wife's extramarital activities. 加布相信海伦很有可能会告诉卡洛斯他妻子的婚外情。

Gabe knew she had to come clean. 加布知道她必须坦白。

Thanks for the news flash. 谢谢你的知会我。news flash: 简讯

I have a warrant for your arrest. 我有你的逮捕令。warrant: 正当理由;委任状

If you can't afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you, the government expense. 如果你付不起律师费,将为你指定一名律师,费用由政府承担。

On the other, capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal. 另一方面,却能做出最见不得人的勾当。underhanded:卑劣的;秘密的;人手不足的

It's a constant battle that rages within all of us, between the better angels of our nature and the temptation of our inner demons. 这是一场持续的战斗,在我们所有人心中肆虐,是本性中善良天使和内心恶魔诱惑之间的较量。

Sometimes the only way to ward off the dark is the shine the light of compassion. 有时候,抵挡黑暗的唯一方法就是闪耀慈悲之光。ward off: 避开;挡住。 compassion: 同情,怜悯



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