看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第二季第23集

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看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第二季第23集



  • Even the good news came with a catch

"Even the good news came with a catch" 是一个表达,意思是即使是好消息也附带有某种不利条件或隐含的麻烦。例如:

"She got the promotion she wanted, but even the good news came with a catch – she has to move to another city."(她得到了她想要的晋升,但即使是好消息也有一个附带条件——她必须搬到另一个城市。)

  • It's a fact of life

"It's a fact of life" 是一个常用表达,意思是某件事情是生活中不可避免或不可改变的现实。这个短语通常用来表示接受现实中的某些不可避免的情况或事实。例如:

"Sometimes things don't go as planned; it's a fact of life."(有时候事情不会按计划进行,这是生活的事实。)

  • However you want to spell it

"However you want to spell it" 是一个表达,意思是无论你怎么拼写(或解释)它都没有关系,通常用来表示对某事的拼写或细节不在意或无所谓。例如:

"He's a bit of a know-it-all, or a smart aleck, however you want to spell it."(他有点自以为是,或者说是一个聪明人,怎么说都行。)

  • I just want out

"I just want out" 是一个表达,意思是某人希望摆脱某种困境、情境或关系,想要离开或退出。例如:

"This job is so stressful, I just want out."(这份工作压力太大了,我只想退出。)

  • It's about time

"It's about time" 是一个表达,意思是某件事终于发生了,或是早该发生的事情终于发生了,通常带有等待已久的意味。例如:

"It's about time you got here! We've been waiting for an hour."(你终于来了! 我们已经等了一个小时了。)

  • someone put you up to this

"Someone put you up to this" 是一个表达,意思是某人让你去做某件事,通常指的是受到别人的鼓动或指使去做某件事情,尤其是那些你可能不会主动去做的事情。例如:

"She confessed to spreading the rumor, but she claimed someone put her up to it."(她承认散布了那个谣言,但她声称是别人指使她这么做的。)

  • get off me

"Get off me" 是一种命令性表达,意思是让某人停止接触或远离自己,通常在感到不舒服、被侵犯或需要空间时使用。例如:

"She felt crowded in the packed train and said, 'Get off me!' to the person pushing against her."(在拥挤的火车上,她感觉被挤得透不过气,对挤她的人说:“离开我!”)

  • stand on my own two feet

"Stand on my own two feet" 是一个俗语,意思是依靠自己独立生活或自力更生,不依赖他人的支持或帮助。例如:

"After graduating from college, she was determined to stand on her own two feet and find a job."(大学毕业后,她决心独立生活,找到一份工作。)

  • I'm a little on edge

"I'm a little on edge" 是一个表达,意思是某人感觉有些焦虑、紧张或容易激动,可能是因为情绪不稳定或面临压力。例如:

"I have an important presentation tomorrow, so I'm a little on edge right now."(我明天有一个重要的演讲,所以现在有点紧张。)

  • It's all about the perks

"It's all about the perks" 表示某事或某种选择的吸引力主要在于其附带的好处或额外福利。例如:

"He took the job offer because it's all about the perks – the generous vacation time and health benefits."(他接受了这份工作是因为重在福利待遇——慷慨的休假时间和健康福利。)

  • creep me out

"Creep me out" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是某人或某事让人感到恶心、毛骨悚然或令人不安。例如:

"His strange behavior really creeps me out." (他的奇怪行为真让我感到恶心。)

  • I hope in time

"I hope in time" 是一个表达,意思是希望随着时间的推移,某件事情或情况会得到改善或解决。

  • excruciatingly so

"Excruciatingly so" 是一个表达,用来强调某种情况或感觉是极其痛苦、难以忍受的程度。例如:

"The wait for the test results was excruciatingly so."(等待检查结果的过程痛苦至极。)

  • stand out in a crowd

"Stand out in a crowd" 是一个表达,意思是在人群中显眼或突出,通常是指某人或某物因为与众不同而引人注目。例如:

"The new restaurant's innovative menu helps it stand out in a crowded food scene."(新餐厅创新的菜单使其在竞争激烈的餐饮市场中脱颖而出。)

  • do I feel for you

"Do I feel for you" 是一个表达,意思是我对你感到同情或理解你的感受。例如:

"Dealing with that difficult situation must be tough. Do I feel for you."(处理那种困难情况一定很艰难。我理解你的感受。)

  • take charge

"Take charge" 是一个表达,意思是承担责任或掌控局面,通常指某人主动采取行动或领导。例如:

"She decided to take charge of the project and ensure it was completed on time."(她决定主导这个项目,确保它按时完成。)

  • around the greens

"Around the greens" 是高尔夫球术语,指的是高尔夫球场上距离果岭(putting greens)最近的区域。这个区域通常包括粗长草地(rough)、沙坑(bunkers)和果岭边缘的修剪区域(fringe)。高尔夫球手在这些地方需要良好的短打技巧,以便有效地控制球的落点并将球推入果岭。

  • drive for show, putt for dough

"Drive for show, putt for dough" 是一句流行的高尔夫球术语,强调在比赛中长杆(驱球杆)的视觉效果和技术表现,而推杆(或称为推杆)则是真正决定比赛胜负的关键因素。这句话暗示了在高尔夫球场上,虽然长杆可以让球手在开球时展示出色的技术和远距离击球能力,但在最终的比分成绩中,短距离的推杆技术才是更重要的。例如:

"His long drives off the tee were impressive, but it was his consistent putting that secured the win. It just goes to show, drive for show, putt for dough!" (他开球时的长杆击球令人印象深刻,但是他稳定的推杆技术确保了胜利。这表明了,在高尔夫比赛中,驱球出色好看,但推杆决定胜负!)

  • the next of kin

"The next of kin" 指的是一个人最近的生活亲属或亲属,通常用于法律和医疗上下文,用来确定在个人无法行动时,具有主要法律责任或权利要求的个人。例如:

"Upon his passing, the lawyer contacted his next of kin to discuss the inheritance."(在他去世后,律师联系了他的直系亲属讨论遗产问题。)

  • carpool lane

"Carpool lane" 是指专门为多人乘车(通常是两人或更多人)而设立的车道,目的是鼓励共享车辆,减少交通拥堵和空气污染。只有满足最低乘车人数要求的车辆才能在这些车道上行驶。

  • go in my place

"Go in my place" 的意思是让别人代替自己去做某件事或参加某个活动。例如:

"I'm feeling too sick to attend the meeting tomorrow. Can you go in my place?"(我明天感觉太不舒服了,你能代替我去参加会议吗?)

  • pack more of a punch

"Pack more of a punch" 的意思是增加影响力或效果,使某事物更加强大或有效。例如:

"The advertisement is nice, but we need something that packs more of a punch to attract a wider audience."(广告看起来不错,但我们需要一些更有力的东西来吸引更广泛的观众。)

  • out of nowhere

"Out of nowhere" 的意思是突然、意外地发生或出现,通常指没有预警或预料到的情况。例如:

"An idea came to me out of nowhere while I was taking a shower."(我在洗澡时突然想到一个主意。)

  • talk it out

"Talk it out" 的意思是通过交谈、讨论或辩论来解决问题、达成共识或缓解冲突。例如:

"Before making a decision, let's talk it out and see if we can find a solution that works for both of us."

  • out of the goodness of your heart

"Out of the goodness of your heart" 的意思是出于善意、无私地做某事,而不是为了得到回报。

"She donated to the charity out of the goodness of her heart, expecting nothing in return."

  • panic attack

"Panic attack" 的意思是突然的、强烈的恐惧或不安感,通常伴随着身体症状,如心跳加速、呼吸困难和出汗等。例如:

"The thought of public speaking gave him a panic attack."

  • a phenomenal husband

"A phenomenal husband" 的意思是一个非常出色的丈夫,通常指在各个方面都表现得非常好和令人钦佩的丈夫。例如:

"He's a phenomenal husband, always caring and attentive to his family's needs."

  • sweep her right off her feet

"Sweep her right off her feet" 的意思是通过浪漫或令人惊喜的行为让她感到极度兴奋、着迷或爱上对方。例如:

"He planned a surprise vacation to Paris to sweep her right off her feet."

  • she's old news

"She's old news" 的意思是她已经不再是焦点或话题,通常指某人已经不再被关注或重要。例如:

"After their breakup, he moved on quickly and now says she's old news."(分手后,他很快就走了出来,现在说她已经不再重要了。)

  • So we're clear

"So we're clear" 的意思是为了确保彼此理解一致或没有误会。例如:

"So we're clear, you need to finish the project by Friday."(为了确保我们理解一致,你需要在星期五之前完成这个项目。)

  • piss me off

"Piss me off" 的意思是激怒我、让我生气或恼火。例如:

"His constant lateness is starting to really piss me off."(他总是迟到,真的开始让我生气了。)

  • an iron fist and strong gut

"An iron fist and strong gut" 的意思是一个铁腕且有胆识的人,通常形容某人非常严厉、有力,同时具有坚定的勇气和直觉。例如:

"She runs the organization with an iron fist and a strong gut, never hesitating to make tough decisions."(她用铁腕手段和坚定的勇气管理这个组织,从不犹豫做出艰难的决定。)

  • sit back and relax

"Sit back and relax" 的意思是放松一下,不要担心或劳累,享受一段时间的休息或轻松。例如:

"After a long day at work, it's nice to sit back and relax with a good book."(工作了一整天后,坐下来放松一下,看一本好书,感觉很好。)

  • What's the catch

"What's the catch" 的意思是询问是否有隐藏的条件、问题或后果,通常表示对某事是否真实或完全无偏见的怀疑或疑虑。例如:

"He offered to give me a free vacation, but I'm wondering, what's the catch?"(他提出免费给我一个假期,但我在想,这里面有什么条件?)

  • no strings attached

"No strings attached" 的意思是没有附加条件或义务,通常用来描述一种无需付出额外代价或义务的情况。例如:

"They offered me a free trial with no strings attached."(他们向我提供了一个无需附加条件的免费试用。)

  • on my part

"on my part" 的意思是就我而言,指对某事物或情况来说,从自己的角度或立场来看。例如:

"There were mistakes made on my part that I need to apologize for." (在我的部分,有些错误我需要道歉。)


看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第二季第22集



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