看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第二季第24集

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看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第二季第24集


  • ring up

"Ring up" 的意思是用电话联系某人,或在购物时指结账或记录销售金额。例如:

"The cashier will ring up your items at the register."(收银员会在收银台帮你结账。)

  • towel this through her hair

"Towel this through her hair" 的意思是用毛巾在她的头发上擦拭,通常是指用毛巾擦干头发或清洁头发。例如:

"To remove the excess water, gently towel this through her hair."(为了去除多余的水分,轻轻用毛巾在她的头发上擦拭。)

  • tie her down

"Tie her down" 的意思是束缚她或限制她的自由,通常指通过某种方式使她不能自由行动或无法追求自己的目标。例如:

"He doesn't want to tie her down with a serious relationship if she's not ready."(如果她还没有准备好,他不想用一段认真的关系束缚她。)

  • while I'm at it

"While I'm at it" 的意思是趁我在做某事的时候,通常指顺便做另一件事。例如:

"I'm updating the report. While I'm at it, I'll check the numbers again."(我正在更新报告。趁我在做的时候,我会再检查一遍数据。)

  • ride them so hard

"Ride them so hard" 的意思是对某人非常严格或施加很大压力,通常指要求他们做得更多或更好。例如:

"The coach tends to ride the players so hard to ensure they perform their best."(教练对球员非常严格,以确保他们发挥出最佳水平。)

  • I know what I'm about

"I know what I'm about" 的意思是我清楚自己在做什么,通常表达对自己能力、决策或行动的自信和了解。例如:

"You don't need to worry about me; I know what I'm about."(你不需要为我担心,我清楚自己在做什么。)

  • stay the course

"Stay the course" 的意思是坚持到底,不管遇到什么困难或挑战,继续按原计划行事。例如:

"Despite the criticism, he decided to stay the course with his original plan."(尽管受到了批评,他还是决定按照原计划坚持到底。)

  • take a firm hand with me 

"Take a firm hand with me" 的意思是对我严格或严厉,通常指在指导、管理或处理某人时采取强硬的态度。例如:

"My parents always took a firm hand with me to ensure I stayed on the right path."(我的父母总是对我很严格,以确保我走在正确的道路上。)

  • make a run for it

"Make a run for it" 的意思是为了逃跑或迅速离开某地而突然奔跑,通常是为了避免危险或抓捕。

"We were caught in a heavy downpour and had to make a run for it to get back to the car."

  • I'm not falling for it

"I'm not falling for it" 的意思是我不相信这件事,我不会上当,通常用于表达对某个骗局、谎言或不可信的事情的怀疑或拒绝。例如:

"They tried to convince me that I won a free vacation, but I'm not falling for it."(他们试图让我相信我赢得了免费度假,但我不相信。)

  • I'll get a real kick

"I'll get a real kick" 的意思是我会感到非常兴奋或享受,通常指因为某件事情或体验让人感到非常愉快或兴奋。例如:

"I love roller coasters, so I'll get a real kick out of riding the new one at the amusement park."(我喜欢过山车,所以我会因为在游乐园里骑新过山车而感到非常兴奋。)

  • whack job

"Whack job" 是一个俚语术语,用来形容某人被认为是古怪、奇怪或精神状态不稳定的人。通常用来批评某人的行为或行动看起来怪异、不理智或荒谬。例如:

"Did you hear what he said? He's a total whack job."(你听到他说的话了吗? 他完全是个怪人。)

  • go it alone

"Go it alone" 的意思是单独行动或独自完成某事,通常指在没有他人帮助或支持的情况下进行行动或决定。例如:

"He prefers to go it alone rather than rely on others for help."(他更喜欢靠自己而不是依赖他人帮助。)

  • if you're not using your back

"If you're not using your back" 这个短语通常指一个人没有全力投入或没有充分利用自己的潜力或资源。例如:

"You won't win the race if you're not using your back. You need to put more effort into it."

  • can you sit up?

"Can you sit up?" 的意思是询问某人是否能从躺下或驼背的姿势坐起来,通常是指把背部挺直。

"After the surgery, the nurse asked him if he could sit up without assistance."(手术后,护士问他能不能自己坐起来。)

  • call for 

"Call for" 在不同的语境中可以有不同的意思,包括:需要;要求,表示某事需要或者要求做某事。

"The situation calls for immediate action." (情况需要立即行动。)

  • hop up on pain medicine

"Hop up on pain medicine" 是一个口语化的表达,意思是服用止痛药或镇痛药以减轻或消除疼痛。这个短语通常用于非正式的场合。例如:

"After the surgery, they hopped him up on pain medicine to manage the discomfort."(手术后,他服用了止痛药来控制不适。)

  • chip my tooth on it

"Chip my tooth on it" 是一个俚语表达,通常用来暗示某物或某事可能引起意外或困难。它的字面意思是咬到东西导致牙齿破裂,但在俚语中,它经常用来形容某事情有可能带来意外或麻烦。例如:

"I don't want to get involved in that argument. I might chip my tooth on it."(我不想卷入那场争论。我可能因此惹上麻烦。)

  • salad shooter

"Salad shooter" 是一个品牌名称,也可以指一种厨房电器,用于快速切割蔬菜和制作沙拉。这个名词也有时候被用来形容一个人说话或写作时,迅速且有效地传递信息或点子,就像快速切割蔬菜一样。例如:

"She's like a salad shooter in meetings, always coming up with new ideas."(她在会议上就像一个创意无限的人,总是提出新点子。)

  • get you wrapped around his finger

"Get you wrapped around his finger" 是一个俚语表达,意思是某人成功地控制了你或影响了你的思维或行为,使你完全听从他的意愿或受其影响而做事。例如:

"She's so charming, she can get anyone wrapped around her finger."(她非常迷人,可以让任何人听她的话。)

  • he is playing me 

"He is playing me" 是一个表达,意思是某人正在欺骗或利用你,特别是在感情或社交上。这个短语通常指某人以某种方式操纵或欺骗你,让你相信某些事情或做出某些行为,但实际上可能有其他目的或动机。例如:

"I thought he really cared about me, but now I feel like he's playing me."(我原以为他真的在乎我,但现在我觉得他在利用我。)

  • unmistakable and not pretty

"Unmistakable and not pretty" 这个短语描述的是一种明显且不愉快或不美好的情况或特征。它强调某事物或情况明显且难以置疑,但通常与负面或不愉快的感受或结果相关联。例如:

"The smell in the room was unmistakable and not pretty."(房间里的气味明显且令人不愉快。)

  • rattling around

"Rattling around" 在某处来回摇晃或移动: 指某物在一个空间内来回晃动或移动,通常会产生嘎嘎声。例如:

"Something is rattling around in the trunk of my car."(我的车尾箱里有东西在晃动。)

  • beat him to the punch

"Beat him to the punch" 是一个俚语表达,意思是在某人之前采取行动或完成某事,通常是为了获得某种优势或达到某个目标。例如:

"I heard he was going to propose to her, but she beat him to the punch and proposed first."(我听说他打算向她求婚,但她比他先一步,先向他求了婚。)

  • get away on my own

"Get away on my own" 意味着独自离开或独自去某个地方,通常是为了享受个人时间或独自放松。这个短语强调个人需要远离日常生活或他人,享受独处或探索新环境的经历。例如:

"I just need to get away on my own for a while, maybe go hiking in the mountains."(我只是需要独自离开一段时间,也许去山里徒步旅行。)

  • do right by me

"To do right by me" 意思是对某人做出公正、合理或正确的行为或决定。这个短语通常用来表达期望别人对自己表现出公平、真诚或照顾的态度。例如:

"I hope they do right by me and give me the promotion I deserve."(我希望他们公正对待我,给予我应得的晋升。)

  • throw a tantrum

"To throw a tantrum" 意思是发脾气或大发雷霆,通常指因为失去耐心、情绪激动或不满而表现出过度的愤怒或情绪失控。例如:

"The child threw a tantrum in the store when he couldn't get the toy he wanted."(孩子在商店里因为得不到他想要的玩具而发脾气。)

  • phenomenally stupid

"Phenomenally stupid" 是一个表达,用来强调某事或某人极其愚蠢或荒谬。例如:

"His decision to quit his job without another one lined up was phenomenally stupid."(他决定辞掉工作却没有找到下一份工作,这真是愚蠢至极。)

  • get it through to you

"Get it through to you" 是一个表达,意思是成功地使某人理解或接受某种观点、信息或事实,尤其是在之前他们可能没有理解或接受的情况下。例如:

"I've tried explaining this to you multiple times, but I just can't seem to get it through to you."(我已经试着多次向你解释这个问题,但似乎无法让你理解。)

  • clock him in the mouth

"Clock him in the mouth" 是一个俚语表达,意思是用力打某人的嘴巴或脸部。这个短语通常用来形容激烈的肢体冲突或愤怒的暴力行为。例如:

"He insulted her, so she clocked him in the mouth."(他侮辱了她,所以她狠狠地打了他的嘴巴。)

  • guess it cut down on the suspense

"Guess it cut down on the suspense" 是一个表达,意思是某件事减少了悬念或紧张感,使得事情变得更加明确或直接,缺乏原本的期待或兴奋感。例如:

"He told us the ending of the book before we even started reading it. That really cut down on the suspense."(他在我们开始读书之前就告诉了我们结局,这真的减少了悬念感。)

  • dip into the pensions

"Dip into the pensions" 是一个表达,意思是动用养老金或退休储蓄,通常指在紧急或需要时提取原本计划用于退休后的资金。例如:

"He lost his job and had to dip into his pensions to pay the bills."(他失业了,不得不动用养老金来支付账单。)

  • back child support

"Back child support" 指的是欠下的子女抚养费或未支付的子女抚养费。这通常指父母或监护人未按法律要求支付给前配偶或监护人的子女抚养费用。例如:

"He was taken to court for failing to pay back child support for several years."(他因多年未支付子女抚养费而被带上法庭。)

  • take the bird in the hand

"Take the bird in the hand" 是源自谚语 "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" 的简化形式,意思是选择眼前已有的确定的好处,而不是冒险去追求可能无法得到的更大好处。例如:

"Investors often face the dilemma of taking the bird in the hand or holding out for potentially bigger returns."(投资者常常面临选择现有确定的收益还是等待可能更大回报的两难境地。)

  • plain screwed

"Plain screwed" 是一个口语表达,意思是处于非常糟糕或绝望的境地,通常因为某种不好的情况或错误而导致的问题变得难以解决。例如:

"After losing his job and missing several mortgage payments, he realized he was plain screwed."(在失去工作并错过了几次按揭付款后,他意识到自己处境非常糟糕。)

  • a huge chuck of our saving

"A huge chunk of our savings" 是一个表达,意思是花费了我们储蓄中的很大一部分。这个短语通常用来形容一笔相对较大的开销,可能会对储蓄或财务状况产生显著影响。例如:

"We had to spend a huge chunk of our savings to cover the medical bills."(我们不得不用很大一部分储蓄来支付医疗账单。)

  • anything at all

"Anything at all" 是一个表达,意思是任何事情、任何东西、任何可能性。这个短语用来强调无论什么事或物,都包括在内,通常用于表示广泛的可能性或范围。例如:

"If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask."(如果你需要任何东西,不要犹豫,尽管开口。)

  • assume as much

"Assume as much" 是一个表达,意思是猜测或认为某事是如此,通常基于已有的信息或常识。

"When he didn't reply to my message, I assumed as much that he was busy."(当他没有回复我的消息时,我猜测他是忙了。)

  • I don't mean to be flip

"I don't mean to be flip" 是一个表达,意思是我不是故意轻率或漫不经心。例如:

"I know this is a serious topic, and I don't mean to be flip, but have you considered another approach?"(我知道这是一个严肃的话题,我并不是故意轻率,但你有没有考虑过另一种方法?)

  • cued up

"Cued up" 通常指准备好、安排好或等待进行下一步行动。例如:

"They have a list of candidates cued up for interviews next week."(他们已经准备好下周面试的候选人名单。)

"The team has all their equipment cued up and ready to go."(团队已经把他们的设备准备好,随时可以出发。)

  • keep things bottled up inside

"To keep things bottled up inside" 意思是把情感、想法或问题压抑在内心,不愿表达或分享。

"He tends to keep things bottled up inside and rarely talks about his feelings."(他倾向于把情感压抑在内心,很少谈论自己的感受。)

  • That mean streak

"That mean streak" 意思是某人或某物内在的恶意或不友好的特质或倾向。例如:

"Watch out for his mean streak; he can be quite harsh with criticism."(小心他的恶意倾向,他在批评时可能会非常严厉。)

  • over by the mall

"Over by the mall" 是一个口语表达,意思是在商场附近或在商场周围。例如:

"I'll meet you over by the mall entrance."(我会在商场入口处和你见面。)

"The parking lot over by the mall is usually crowded on weekends."(商场附近的停车场周末通常很拥挤。)

  • always on the attack 

"Always on the attack" 意思是经常处于进攻状态,通常指某人或某物倾向于积极主动地批评、抨击或攻击他人或其他观点。例如:

"He's always on the attack during meetings, criticizing everyone's ideas."(他在会议上总是攻击性地批评每个人的想法。)

  • You should work on that

"You should work on that" 意思是建议某人改进或改善某种行为、技能或态度。例如:

"Your presentation skills need improvement. You should work on that."(你的演讲技巧需要改进。你应该努力改进。)

  • lie in store

"Lie in store" 是一个表达,意思是即将发生或准备好等待发生的事情或情况。例如:

"I wonder what lies in store for us in the coming year."(我想知道未来一年里会发生什么。)



看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第二季第23集



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: