看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第三季第1集

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看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第三季第1集


  • put away the grocery

"Put away the grocery" 是一个短语,意思是把买来的杂货或食品放回到适当的位置,通常是指把它们放进橱柜、冰箱或储藏室。

"After returning from the store, he helped his mom put away the grocery."

  • per his instruction

"Per his instruction" 是一个短语,意思是按照他给出的指示或按照他的指示去做。通常用于正式或商业环境中,以表明某个行动或决定是根据某人的指示进行的。

"We arranged the meeting room per his instruction."(我们按照他的指示安排了会议室。)

  • a bit of a row

"A bit of a row" 是一个短语,意思是发生了一些争吵或争执。这个表达通常指的是不太严重但仍然显著的争论或冲突。

"They had a bit of a row over where to go for vacation."(他们就去哪里度假发生了一点争执。)

  • confer with

"Confer with" 是一个动词短语,意思是与某人商议、讨论或协商某个问题或事项。这个表达通常用于正式或专业的场合,表示为了获得建议或做出决定而与他人交流意见。

"He needed to confer with his legal team before making a decision."(他需要先与他的法律团队商议,然后再做决定。)

  • spruce up

"Spruce up" 是一个动词短语,意思是使某物或某地变得更整洁、更美观或更有吸引力,通常通过清洁、整理或装饰。

"They decided to spruce up the living room with new furniture and a fresh coat of paint."(他们决定用新家具和一层新油漆来美化客厅。)

  • the floor was laminated

"The floor was laminated" 是一个短语,意思是地板覆盖了一层层压材料,这种材料通常是由多层压制而成的,提供耐久、美观和易于清洁的表面。

"The floor was laminated to give it a modern look and make it easier to maintain."(地板被覆盖了一层层压材料,以使其外观现代化并更易于维护。)

  • backstabbing cow

"Backstabbing cow" 是一个俚语表达,带有强烈的负面情感,用来形容一个人背地里伤害或出卖他人,同时这个人也被认为是不值得信任或道德败坏的。“Cow”在这里是贬义的,通常用来指代一个令人厌恶的人。

"I can't believe she spread those rumors about me. What a backstabbing cow!"(我真不敢相信她散布了那些关于我的谣言。真是个背后捅刀子的坏人!)

  • the conversation has a flow

"The conversation has a flow" 是一个表达,意思是对话进行得很顺畅,自然地从一个话题过渡到另一个话题,而不显得生硬或断断续续。

"We had a great meeting because the conversation had a flow and everyone could contribute."(我们的会议非常成功,因为对话很顺畅,每个人都能参与进来。)

  • unload this house 

"Unload this house" 是一个短语,意思是尽快卖掉这栋房子,通常是因为房主不再想要或需要这处房产,或是为了避免进一步的负担或损失。

"They're trying to unload this house before the market goes down."(他们正试图在房市下跌前卖掉这栋房子。)

  • rec room

"Rec room" 是 "recreation room" 的缩写,指的是家中或建筑物中用来进行休闲娱乐活动的房间。这种房间通常配备有各种娱乐设施,如电视、桌球台、游戏机、桌上足球等。

"The kids love spending time in the rec room playing video games and watching movies."(孩子们喜欢在娱乐室里玩电子游戏和看电影。)

  • You did not just do that

"You did not just do that" 是一个表达,用来表示对某人刚刚做的事情感到震惊、惊讶或不敢相信。这个短语通常带有强烈的情感,表明对某人行为的不满或震惊。

"After he made that rude comment, she exclaimed, 'You did not just do that!'"(他做了那个无礼的评论后,她惊呼: “你刚刚真的这么做了?”)

  • all fours in a rice paddy 

"All fours in a rice paddy" 是一个短语,形容某人或某物在稻田中四肢着地,通常表示一种困境或尴尬的状态。这个表达用来比喻某人处于一个不方便、不舒适或有点荒谬的处境。

"The farmers had to work on all fours in the rice paddy to ensure the fields were properly flooded."(农民们不得不在稻田里四肢着地工作,以确保田地得到适当的灌溉。)

  • in the sack

"In the sack" 是一个表达,意思是躺在床上或正在睡觉。这个短语通常用于口语中,描述某人正在床上休息或入睡的状态。

"I usually read a book before I get in the sack."(我通常在上床之前读一本书。)

  • I have given myself away too freely

"I have given myself away too freely" 是一个表达,意思是某人过于轻率地透露了自己的个人信息、感情或秘密,或者在某种情况下过于开放、暴露了自己。

"She was worried that she had given herself away too freely during the interview, revealing too much about her personal life."(她担心自己在面试中过于轻率地暴露了自己,泄露了太多关于个人生活的细节。)

  • blow a gasket

"Blow a gasket" 是一个俚语表达,意思是非常生气或愤怒。这个短语源自汽车引擎中垫圈(gasket)被破坏,导致引擎故障,暗指情绪上的爆发或失控。

"When he found out about the mistake in the report, he blew a gasket."(当他发现报告中的错误时,他非常生气。)

  • spring it on you

"Spring it on you" 是一个短语,意思是突然或意外地把某个消息、计划或要求告知某人,通常没有提前预告或准备。

"I didn't expect him to spring the news of the promotion on me during lunch."(我没想到他会在午餐时突然告诉我升职的消息。)

  • if you ever should be

"If you ever should be" 通常用于假设或提出某种可能性或条件。它经常用于句子中,表达在某种情况下可能发生的事情或建议某人在特定情况下的行为。虽然这个短语通常出现在书面或更正式的英语中,但它也用于对未来或可能情境的假设。

"If you ever should be in town, feel free to drop by and say hello."(如果你有机会到城里,欢迎过来打个招呼。

  • come first with someone 

"Come first with someone" 是一个表达,意思是某人将某事或某人视为他们的首要任务或优先考虑。这个短语通常用来描述一个人重视或优先关注某个关系、责任或目标。

"In her life, family always comes first with her, so she makes sure to spend quality time with them every week."(在她的生活中,家庭总是她的首要考虑,所以她确保每周都和他们共度美好时光。)

  • something has gone on with this house 

"Something has gone on with this house" 是一个表达,表示在这所房子里发生过一些奇怪的或不寻常的事情。这个短语暗示房子可能有历史问题、超自然现象或其他令人不安的事件。

"I heard strange noises coming from the attic every night. Something has gone on with this house."(我每晚都听到从阁楼传来的奇怪声音。这所房子里一定发生过什么。)

  • complete fabrication

"Complete fabrication" 是一个表达,意思是某事完全是虚构的或捏造的,没有任何真实依据。这个短语用于指责某个陈述、故事或事实是不真实的,通常暗示故意欺骗或误导。

"The rumors about him quitting his job are a complete fabrication. He’s still happily employed."(关于他辞职的传言完全是捏造的。他仍然愉快地工作着。)

  • You're thrown

"You're thrown" 是一个表达,意思是某人感到困惑或不知所措,通常是因为遇到了意料之外的情况或信息。

"She seemed thrown by the unexpected question during the interview and struggled to answer it."(她似乎被面试中意想不到的问题弄得不知所措,很难回答。)

  • I'll be by to pick her up

"I'll be by to pick her up" 是一个表达,意思是某人会过来接某人,通常是指计划好在某个时间和地点见面以便接走某人。

"I'll be by to pick her up at 3 PM, so make sure she's ready by then."(我下午3点过来接她,所以请确保她到时候准备好。)

  • no harm, no foul

"No harm, no foul" 是一个表达,意思是虽然发生了一些小的错误或问题,但没有造成实质性的伤害或影响,因此无需为此感到不安或责怪。

"I accidentally bumped into him, but he just laughed it off, saying 'no harm, no foul.'"(我不小心撞到了他,但他只是笑了笑,说:“没关系,没造成什么伤害。”)

  • wait hand and foot on someone

"Wait hand and foot on someone" 是一个表达,意思是对某人极其殷勤,满足他们的所有需求,常常用于描述某人给予他人过多的关照或服侍。

"He's so spoiled that he expects everyone to wait hand and foot on him."(他被宠坏了,期待所有人都对他无微不至地照顾。)

  • per ce

“Per se” 是一个拉丁短语,意思是“本身”或“自身”,通常用来指某事物本质上或独立存在的特性,而不考虑其他因素。

"The proposal isn't bad per se, but it needs more detailed planning."(提案本身并不差,但需要更详细的规划。)

  • wild swing

"Wild swing" 是一个表达,通常用来描述一种突然而极端的变化或不稳定的波动,常用于形容情绪、市场或运动中的大幅度波动。

"She experienced a wild swing in emotions, going from ecstatic to devastated within minutes."(她情绪波动很大,几分钟内从欣喜若狂变得心灰意冷。)

  • I'll be darned

"I'll be darned" 是一个口语表达,用来表示惊讶、震惊或难以置信,通常相当于“我真是惊讶”或“真没想到”。

"You managed to finish the project ahead of schedule? Well, I'll be darned!"(你竟然提前完成了项目? 真是令人惊讶!)

  • dry you off

"Dry you off" 是一个表达,意思是把某人身上的水分擦干,通常指用毛巾或其他物品把身体上的水分去掉。

"After you get out of the pool, I'll help dry you off."(你从泳池出来后,我会帮你擦干。)

  • drop off the face of the earth

"Drop off the face of the earth" 是一个表达,意思是某人或某物突然消失或失联,仿佛从地球上消失了一样,通常用来形容联系突然中断或失去踪影。

"I haven't heard from him in months; it's like he's dropped off the face of the earth."(我几个月没收到他的消息了,就像他从地球上消失了一样。)

  • on grounds of 

"On grounds of" 是一个表达,意思是基于某种理由或依据,通常用于正式或法律语境中来说明决策、行为或立场的理由。

"He was dismissed from his job on grounds of misconduct."(他因行为不当而被解雇。)


看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第二季第24集



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