看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第三季第5集

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看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第三季第5集


  • city zoning department

"City zoning department" 是一个名词短语,意思是负责城市规划和土地使用的政府机构,负责制定和执行有关土地使用、建筑物建设和发展计划的法规。

"I need to contact the city zoning department to get a permit for my new business location."(我需要联系城市规划部门,为我的新营业地点申请许可证。)

  • put down new carpet

"Put down new carpet" 是一个动词短语,意思是将新的地毯铺设或安装在地面上。

"We're planning to put down new carpet in the living room next weekend."(我们计划下周末在客厅铺设新地毯。)

  • hunger strikes

"Hunger strikes" 是一个名词短语,意思是通过故意不进食来抗议或引起公众对某一问题关注的行为。

"Hunger strikes have been used as a form of non-violent protest throughout history."(绝食抗议在历史上被用作一种非暴力抗议的形式。)

  • strong suit

"Strong suit" 是一个名词短语,意思是某人特别擅长的领域或技能,或一个人或事物的强项。

"Mathematics has always been his strong suit, so he decided to major in it at university."(数学一直是他的强项,所以他决定在大学主修数学。)

  • a real frisbee to the head

"A real frisbee to the head" 是一个比喻性的表达,意思是突然的、出乎意料的事件或震惊的发现,通常给人带来困惑或不适。

"Learning that the project deadline was moved up by a week was a real frisbee to the head for the team."(得知项目截止日期提前了一周,对团队来说真是一个意外的打击。)

  • perfect sense

"Perfect sense" 是一个名词短语,意思是某件事情完全合乎逻辑或非常合理。

"Her decision to move to a bigger city for more job opportunities makes perfect sense."(她决定搬到大城市以获得更多工作机会,这完全合乎逻辑。)

  • map out

"Map out" 是一个动词短语,意思是详细计划或设计某事,通常指制定具体的步骤或策略来实现目标。

"We need to map out a strategy for launching the new product next quarter."(我们需要为下季度推出新产品制定一个详细的策略。)

  • cheesy come-ons

"Cheesy come-ons" 是一个名词短语,指那些过于夸张或老套的搭讪话语,通常给人留下不真诚或令人尴尬的印象。

"She couldn't help but laugh at the cheesy come-ons he used, like 'Are you a magician? Because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears.'"(他用“你是魔术师吗?因为每次我看着你,其他人都消失了”这样的老套搭讪话,她忍不住笑了。)

  • jog your memory

"Jog your memory" 是一个动词短语,意思是通过某种方式唤起或提醒你忘记的事情,使你重新记起某些信息或细节。

"Looking at old photos can help jog your memory about past events."(看旧照片可以帮助你回忆起过去的事情。)

  • fish joint

"Fish joint" 是一个名词短语,通常指一家主要供应鱼类或海鲜菜肴的小餐馆或饭馆。这个表达带有一种休闲和非正式的氛围。

"We found a great little fish joint by the beach that serves amazing grilled salmon."(我们在海滩旁找到了一家很棒的小鱼馆,那里的烤三文鱼非常美味。)

  • wolf down

"Wolf down" 是一个动词短语,意思是非常快速且贪婪地吃东西,通常指因为饥饿而狼吞虎咽地进食。

"He was so hungry after work that he wolfed down his dinner in minutes."(他下班后非常饿,几分钟内就狼吞虎咽地吃完了晚饭。)

  • Drag you out onto

"Drag you out onto" 是一个动词短语,意思是强行或勉强地把你带到某个地方,通常指的是不情愿地引导或迫使你到某个特定的环境或场合

"Even though I was tired, my friends dragged me out onto the dance floor."(尽管我很累,我的朋友们还是把我拖到舞池上。)

  • I'm really beat

"I'm really beat" 是一个口语表达,意思是非常疲惫或精疲力尽。

"After working a double shift, I'm really beat and just want to go to bed."(工作了两班之后,我真的很累,只想睡觉。)

  • Jane Doe

"Jane Doe" 是一个名词短语,通常用于指代身份不明或不愿透露姓名的女性,特别是在法律或医疗情境中使用。

"The unidentified woman was referred to as Jane Doe until her family could be contacted."(这名身份不明的女性被称为Jane Doe,直到她的家人被联系到。)

  • deliberate snub

"Deliberate snub" 是一个名词短语,意思是故意的冷落或无视某人,以表达轻视或不满。

"The deliberate snub by his colleagues left him feeling isolated and unwelcome."(同事们故意冷落他,让他感到孤立和不受欢迎。)

  • look right through me 

"Look right through me" 是一个表达,意思是某人完全无视你,仿佛你不存在或透明。这通常暗示被忽视或被冷落的感觉。

"When I tried to talk to him, he just looked right through me and kept walking."(当我试图和他说话时,他直接无视了我,继续往前走。)

  • half-ass bid

"Half-ass bid" 是一个非正式的表达,意思是做事草率、不认真或没有全力以赴,特别是在提出一个不充分或不够努力的尝试或提议时。

"The contractor submitted a half-ass bid, so it's no surprise they didn't get the job."(承包商提交了一个草率的投标,所以他们没有拿到项目也不足为奇。)

  • have it made light of

"Have it made light of" 是一个表达,意思是让某事被轻描淡写或被不认真对待,通常是指对问题或情况缺乏严肃性或重视。

"The serious issue was made light of by the manager, which frustrated the team."(这个严重的问题被经理轻描淡写了,这让团队感到沮丧。)

  • might as well

"Might as well" 是一个表达,意思是既然没有更好的选择,或者在当前情况下,做某事是合理的或值得一试的。这个短语通常用来表示在某种程度上,做某件事并没有什么损失,或者是最合适的行动。

"Since we're already here, we might as well check out the new exhibit at the museum."(既然我们已经来了,不妨去看看博物馆的新展览。)

  • He can't hold you to that

"He can't hold you to that" 是一个表达,意思是某人不能强迫你遵守或执行某个你曾说过或承诺过的事情。通常用于表示由于某种原因,这个承诺或声明不再有效或不应被严格执行。

"You made that promise under pressure. He can't hold you to that."(你是在压力下做出的那个承诺。他不能因此逼你兑现。)

  • come to his senses

"Come to his senses" 是一个表达,意思是某人在经过一段时间的糊涂或做出错误决定后,终于恢复理智,重新变得清醒或理性。

"She almost quit her job in a moment of anger, but thankfully, she came to her senses before making any rash decisions."(她差点在一时冲动下辞职,但幸好她在做出任何草率决定之前恢复了理智。)

  • commit art

"Commit art" 通常不是一个常见的短语表达,不过如果在某个特定上下文中使用,可能意味着积极投身于艺术创作,或是参与艺术活动。但它并非一个固定的英语表达。如果这个短语出现在某个特定的情境中,可能会有不同的含义,通常与“创作艺术”或“参与艺术相关活动”有关。

"She decided to commit art as a full-time career and opened her own studio."(她决定全职投身于艺术创作,并开设了自己的工作室。)

  • wind up working a pole to pay for braces

"Wind up working a pole to pay for braces" 是一个非正式且有些粗俗的表达,通常暗示某人为了支付某些费用(如牙齿矫正器的费用)而被迫从事不体面的工作,特别是指在脱衣舞俱乐部跳钢管舞。这个表达带有一种夸张的、不幸的语气,用来描绘一种为了赚钱而不得不做出极端或不愿意做的选择的情况。

"She joked that if her job doesn't start paying more, she might wind up working a pole to pay for her braces."(她开玩笑说,如果她的工作不再涨工资,她可能会为了支付她妹妹的牙齿矫正费用而去跳钢管舞。)

  • Wind up

"Wind up" 是一个动词短语,意思是结束、完成或使某事到达最终状态。这个短语可以用在多种情境中,指事情的终结、操作的完成或结果的达到。

"We need to wind up the meeting because it's running over time."(我们需要结束会议,因为时间已经超了。)

  • give me the boot

"Give me the boot" 是一个非正式的表达,意思是解雇、开除或赶走某人。通常用于工作场所,也可以在其他情况下表示被迫离开或退出某个场合。

"After several warnings about his performance, they finally gave him the boot."(在几次警告之后,他们最终解雇了他。)

  • flunk out

"Flunk out" 是一个动词短语,意思是因未能达到要求而被学校或课程开除,通常指学业成绩不及格导致被迫离开学校或课程。

"He was worried about flunking out of college if he didn't improve his grades."(他担心如果不提高成绩,就会因为不及格而被大学开除。)

  • break even

"Break even" 是一个动词短语,意思是经济上或财务上没有赚到钱也没有亏损,即收入和支出相等,正好抵消。

"After a few months of operation, the business finally broke even."(经过几个月的运营,企业终于实现了收支平衡。)

  • pop her one

"Pop her one" 是一个非正式的表达,通常意味着给某人一个打击或拳头。这个短语常用于描述突然或有力的击打,尤其是拳击的动作。

"He was so angry that he threatened to pop her one if she didn't stop taunting him."

  • chamber of commerce

"Chamber of Commerce" 是一个名词短语,指的是一个地方性的商业组织,旨在促进和支持本地商业发展,改善商业环境,并提供商会成员所需的资源和服务。

"The Chamber of Commerce organized a networking event to help local businesses connect with potential clients."(商会组织了一次网络活动,帮助当地企业与潜在客户建立联系。)

  • You are up for

"You are up for" 是一个动词短语,意思是你准备好接受某种挑战或机会,或者你被提名或选中参与某个活动、职位或任务。

"He was thrilled to hear that he’s up for the role of lead actor in the new film."

  • be on board

"Be on board" 是一个表达,意思是同意、支持或参与某个计划、项目或决定。

"The team was hesitant at first, but now everyone is on board with the new strategy."(团队一开始很犹豫,但现在所有人都同意并支持这个新策略。)

  • bail on me

"Bail on me" 是一个表达,意思是突然取消计划或约定,通常是没有提前通知或没有充分理由的。

"Don’t bail on me now; we need to finish this project together."(现在不要抛弃我;我们需要一起完成这个项目。)

  • a built-in customer base

"A built-in customer base" 是一个表达,意思是已经存在的、预先存在的客户群体,通常是产品或服务的一部分,能够为企业带来稳定的收入和支持。

"The company acquired a built-in customer base with the purchase of the local business."(公司通过收购本地企业获得了一个已经存在的客户群。)

  • let's get something straight

"Let's get something straight" 是一个表达,意思是澄清或明确某件事情,以避免误解或混淆。

"Let's get something straight: I will not be available for the meeting tomorrow."(让我们澄清一下:我明天没有时间参加会议。)

  • dish out

"Dish out" 是一个表达,意思是分发、提供或给出某物,通常指食物、意见或批评。

"He tends to dish out criticism without considering others' feelings."(他往往给出批评而不考虑别人的感受。)

  • buzz kill

"Buzz kill" 是一个表达,指的是某人或某事破坏了气氛、乐趣或兴奋感,通常使大家的情绪变得消沉或不愉快。

"John was a real buzz kill when he started talking about work during the party."(当约翰在派对上开始谈论工作时,他真的破坏了气氛。)

  • I'm losing altitude

"I'm losing altitude" 是一个表达,意思是正在降低高度,通常用于飞行中,但也可以用来比喻地表示某人在某个方面的表现或情况正在变差。

"After the initial success, our sales figures have been losing altitude."(在初期成功之后,我们的销售数字一直在下降。)

  • get through to him

"Get through to him" 是一个表达,意思是成功地与某人沟通,使其理解或接受某个观点或信息。

"I tried explaining the situation several times, but I still can't get through to him."(我尝试了几次解释情况,但我还是无法让他明白。)

  • rise and shine

"Rise and shine" 是一个表达,意思是早上起床并精神饱满地开始新的一天。通常用于叫醒或鼓励别人充满活力地开始一天。

"Come on, it's time to rise and shine! We have a full day ahead."(快点,时间到了,早起迎接新的一天吧!我们有一天的安排。)

  • second wind

"Second wind" 是一个表达,意思是经过一段时间的疲劳或疲惫后,突然恢复活力或精力,通常指在运动或工作中的表现恢复。

"After a short break, I got my second wind and was able to finish the project."(休息了一会儿后,我恢复了精力,能够完成项目。)

  • how did you put it?

"How did you put it?" 是一个表达,意思是询问某人如何表述或描述某件事,通常用于回忆或确认对方的表达方式或措辞。

"How did you put it when you explained the benefits of the new system to the team?"(你在向团队解释新系统的好处时是怎么说的?)

  • I've been known to take a pill or two

"I've been known to take a pill or two" 是一个表达,意思是某人偶尔会服用药物,通常以一种轻松或自嘲的语气来表示这种行为并不稀奇。

  • at the risk of stating the obvious

"At the risk of stating the obvious" 是一个表达,意思是可能会说一些显而易见的事情,但为了清楚起见,还是决定说出来。

"At the risk of stating the obvious, it's important to get enough sleep for your health."(可能说些显而易见的事,但充足的睡眠对你的健康很重要。)

  • That's just gravy

"That's just gravy" 是一个表达,意思是某事物是额外的、意外的好处或额外的奖励,而不是必需的。通常用于表示即使没有这额外的好处,已经满足或满足了主要目标。

"Getting that promotion was great, and the extra bonus is just gravy."(得到那个晋升已经很好了,额外的奖金只是额外的好处。)

  • you'd like to do the honors

"You'd like to do the honors" 是一个表达,意思是邀请某人执行一个特别的任务或负责一个重要的职责,通常是礼貌地将某个荣誉或责任交给对方。

"Since you’re the guest of honor, would you like to do the honors of cutting the cake?"(由于你是贵宾,你愿意来切蛋糕吗?)

  • hook up with

"Hook up with" 是一个表达,意思是与某人建立联系或见面,或与某人共同完成某项活动。根据上下文,这个短语也可以指建立某种关系或进行浪漫的接触。

"Let’s hook up with our friends after the meeting for dinner."(会议结束后我们一起和朋友们吃晚餐吧。)

  • squeal on someone

"Squeal on someone" 是一个表达,意思是揭发或告发某人,通常是把某人的不当行为或秘密告知他人,特别是权威人士。

"I didn't want to squeal on my colleague, but I had to report the issue to the manager."(我不想告发我的同事,但我必须把问题报告给经理。)

  • go to the mat on it

"Go to the mat on it" 是一个表达,意思是为某个问题或立场争辩到底,不惜一切代价坚持自己的观点或立场。

"She was willing to go to the mat on it, even if it meant challenging her boss."(她愿意为此争辩到底,即使这意味着要挑战她的上司。)

  • grow a pair

"Grow a pair" 是一个俚语,意思是鼓励某人变得更加勇敢或有决断力,通常用于要求对方表现出更多的勇气或坚定。这个表达有时带有粗俗或轻蔑的语气。

"He needs to grow a pair and confront his boss about the unfair treatment."(他需要变得更有勇气,直接向老板提出不公平的待遇。)


看美剧学英文《绝望主妇》剧情超好看, 常用口语表达, 短语总结 | 第三季第4集



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: